Alternative Universes Pt-1

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After our heart to heart a few days ago, everything's been going great, surprisingly. It was odd to look at him in such a different light than when we had first met, he was so much different now, acting much more caring and worried about me, it was actually kind of nice. I sat on the couch, reading like any other day, G was working so I didn't get to spend time with him but that was ok, I knew he needed to do stuff that I honestly didn't want to know anything about so it didn't bother me. He should be home soon actually, looking at the time, it differed from when he'd come home but it was a section of two to three hours where he could arrive any time.

I hate to admit it but he had me obsessed with the underground, I know I shouldn't be cause that's where monsters were imprisoned but it was just so new to me, it was like a different world all hiding beneath us this hole time, how beautiful it was and unique. I dreamt about it most nights, spending time swimming with him in that glowing river, splashing each other and overall just having a good time, it was intoxicating. I had wanted t go back ever since we had left that first night but G had been too busy about work to go with me, so unfortunately I was stuck here to read my books that seemed boring compared to the underground world. I gave a small pout thinking about it and looked up from the pages, hopefully we'd be able to visit in a few days or else I might have to have a temper tantrum about going back just to see it again. To make things even worse he had told me about the other sections we hadn't, or more so I hadn't gotten to see on the one way path via the river man, which G had also told me that was his name. He had said things about Ruins and about this snowy area, that's where he and his brother had stayed, but that wasn't all, there was waterfall, the core and the very last section where we entered from, which was that delightfully dusty castle. I set my book on the side and slouched down, picturing the areas without having much detail on them, juts wondering what they looked like compared to the section of the underground we had roamed. Finally footsteps brought me out of my daze and I hurriedly shot up, waiting for the door to open, which it did a moment later but not in the usual way.

The broken door had been kicked open, damaging the poor wood even more, almost beyond repair but that's not what I really focused on, instead I focused on the skeleton standing in the door frame, looking frazzled at the door and trying to patch it up quickly before letting himself in and closed it afterwards. I stared at the tiny skeleton, grabbing the hunting knife I always had under the cushions of the couch and crouched down, backing away from the monster who fished his head side to side until his discolored eyes stared straight at me. This was not G.

"Ah! good I found you!," I didn't know how to respond, my past personality sneaking up harshly, my gaze narrowed, daring him to step any closer to me, slowly he smiled and put his hands on his hips until I responded.

"Who the fuck are you," Venom laced my tone, wanting answered right now before I do dust him. My hair fell from my ear, hanging near the side of my face, my stance one of fighting which I would undoubtedly do under certain circumstances.

"Well hello to you to, I'm Ink, but we need to go right now, I can't have a parasite in one of my universes, no offense of course," He seemed a little too giddy stating this and took a step forwards, I took one back.

"Stay the hell away from me, parasite my ass" My eyes widened, alarmed by his wording and he stopped, thinking about what I had just said before chuckling but it didn't seem too happy anymore, instead a darker undertone.

"Ah...I didn't mean it like that, what I meant was" His eye sockets slanted, his pin pricks dimming as he stared me down, sliding his hands behind his back and pulling his paint brush from his sash, slamming it into the ground, a puddle of paint leaked from the brush.

"You weren't supposed to survive when your parents died, you don't exist in any of my other worlds" My blood froze hearing those words form out of his mouth and the fact he had just stated it so casual. I backed up, gazing down at the paint puddle and noticing the edges glow but the paint looked to be a ceiling with books and paints, was that magic? As I was staring he jumped over the puddle, dashing towards me with his paint brush, trying to grab for me but I ducked and slashed my knife upwards, planting my feet wide with my hand also planted as I slashed my knife adorned hand up cutting his shirt almost completely off of him, making him jump from the wall away from me, now standing there with his ribs exposed as he looked upset before sighing. Twirling his paint brush and slamming it on the ground, more paint splattered on the ground, one drop almost touching my hand, I pulled away hurriedly, almost like it would burn me but I had no idea what it would do. Fear crawled its way back into my core and I was running on adrenaline at this point, not wanting to get hurt but wanting G to come save me from this lunatic. He smirked, twirling his brush around once again, splattering even more paint.

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