Another One!

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I inhaled, smelling the stuffiness of the room along with certain cologne, I flinched and opened my eyes, my head throbbed horribly and my body wasn't much better. I felt movement behind me and stiffened, not moving before I slowly turned my head, there lay the skeleton that tried to kill me. I watched as he groaned and pushed himself from the bed, peeling himself away from the comfy-ness. He wasn't wearing his sweater or that necklace, one most likely lay on the ground and the other glinted against the sunlight, it being placed on the bedside table. I turned my head and felt eyes on me, I faked sleeping. hoping he'd buy it like he did last time. a shift in the bed told me he had gotten up, standing up, I heard bones cracking and glanced over my shoulder again, finding him stretching, he had his jeans on still which eased my nerves ever so slightly I turned my head back towards the wall, finding a collar with a letter leaning up against it. "Put it on" Was all it said, I cringed and refused to put something like that on my body, let alone anywhere near me. I held my breath as he walked out of the room, my nerves eased when I didn't know he was still leaning up against the door frame. I pushed myself up, staring at the wall then at the collar and huffed, glaring down at the stupid necklace. I picked it up and examined it, it was pretty, nice black leather with a gold star on one side along with a gold imprinted G, the front of the collar had a medium sized hoop, most likely for a leash. I stared at it, letitng my thoughts roam around as I mumbled to myself.

"Why did I have to be the one to survive" I fingered the leather, feeling the texture and unbuckling it, looking towards the ground where a broken shard of mirror lay, abandoned by the other pieces. I put the collar up to my neck, seeing how it looked against my pale figure and dropped it down back into my lap. Finally I placed the collar back onto the bedside and stood up, wobbling slightly but I stood firm and turned around, my heart stopping the moment I spotted the skeleton leaning up against the door way, staring at me.

"You almost put it on"

I clenched my hands into fists, noting he did in fact see me raise the collar up to my neck and look at myself in the broken piece of mirror, my face heated ablaze, causing myself to look like a tomato as he continued to stare at me. Now with a cocky sly smirk spreading across his face.

"Good girl"

I stiffened at the words, wanting to slap him hard for the little comment he had just so casually thrown at me, I stayed silent though, not being able to form the words against my tongue to spit out a sly remark or an other comment I might have wanted to. The only sentence that seemed to form was a childish one but I said it anyway.

"Shut up!"

"Oh how scary, a little girl telling a monster to shut up when he could easily over power her and make her his slave, it's adorable really" I pressed my back against the wall while he stepped forwards, disregarding any personal space as he leaned over me, trapping me against the wall and him where I curled in on myself. I don't know what happen to my personality but it wasn't here, I was just like every other scared girl cowering for her life right now, begging the gods to not let her be killed.

"Actually it's pathetic, seeing the fierce girl I spotted at first turn into a puddle in my hands is overwhelmingly fun, it's almost like you wanted to be kidnapped, abused and turned into a personal pet for the next monster walking around here in town. Make you walk on all fours like the other monsters do, beg and plead for wha-" I shoved him away from me, my heart racing, blood rushing into my ear as I stared at him, he had tripped over the bed and now lay sitting down facing me.

"you don't know anything about me!" I wanted to say more, I opened my mouth to tell him how wrong he was, to spit out fierce insults at him and tell him he was the weak one but I never got the chance. Instead my wrist was grabbed and I was flung onto the bed, having him straddle me while gripping my cheeks, staring at my eyes with such a intense gaze the sudden overwhelming feeling of wanting to argue left like a gust of wind, leaving the hollow shell of a girl behind.

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