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When Frisk had actually let me change into her clothes we got to talking, I explained a little bit of what happened with me the last few days but in terms of what she could understand. I wasn't sure if she knew what the multi verse was and I was going to push my luck. So in short I told her I was kidnapped from my boyfriend and I escaped here. She was surprised and upset but more so for my well being, I assured her I was ok and I would find my way home soon but I was just trying to lay low for right now. When I had told her this she hesitated but offered her apartment to me, as long as I work as well she said she wouldn't mind sharing her clothes for a little while. Which I was thankful for because obviously I didn't have any with me nor money for that matter.

Then a few weeks went by, Frisk showed me the loops of the town, how everything worked, where she worked and so on, which ended up being great because I ended up working at the same places she did as a show girl as well, picking up quickly with the songs and everything else I should know. It wasn't hard but I had to be more careful when talking about myself to men when they asked me questions about myself. Most of the time I'd just laugh it off and say they're funny and they seemed to drop it once I had done that but some times I told them lies about me and promised them it was the truth. I liked it here, once you came from a universe like I grew up in it was easy to adapt, Frisk and I got closer as well, both helping with the money and just getting along with certain things, mostly about how easy men were to trick, melting them like putty in our hands. We got tipped better that way, and I'd do anything to pay Frisk's bills after her generosity of letting me stay with her, sleep in the same bed and let me wear her clothes.

But when she came home on the verge of tears I stopped thinking about how it's been here for me and instead coddled up to Frisk, asking her question after question and she just took a few deep breaths, telling me about a monster. A monster part of the mob, a monster who happened to be a skeleton, my eyes widened, shock running through my veins as I listened to her speak, unable to speak myself as she described him, tall, big, scary, he only wore red and black. The gold rings littering his fingers, his gold cuff links, everything, how he acted, what he said to her I just clenched my jaw and swallowed, wanting to see him. I needed to see him, I needed to know if he was capable of helping get back to my world, if I should even mention it, if he's the right Sans.

I only snapped out of my thoughts when Frisk hiccuped, I sent my attention back to her, watching thick tears stream down her face, I didn't wait to hug her, instead I came closer, intently watching the other side of the wall and hugged her hard. She didn't seem to mind, instead she wrapped her arms around me and sobbed, I let her stand there, telling me how much of a prick he was and how much she hated him. I let her rant, telling her everything was going to be ok and how I was there for her, to let her vent her frustration. Which she did, taking it all out, she even told me how scared she was and how she felt pinned down to the wall behind her when he approached her after a show. Magic.

It took a while but she calmed down eventually and went to bed soon after, me on the other hand couldn't get a wink of sleep, I stayed up thinking about how I needed to see this version of Sans, how what everything Frisk told me about him looped in my mind for hours until eventually I passed out.

Waking at the crack of dawn I checked the time, wasn't today the pay day for protection? I groaned, getting dressed and cracking my spine, grabbing the money everyone gave to Frisk to give to the landlord, I've met him once and he gave me some love eyes but I had mostly ignored him, not really caring about him in the first place, I had G. I tried to ignore him from then on but the fact that it was getting close to making the deposit and Frisk still wasn't awake I decided to go alone, pulling my shoes on and slowly leaving the crunched apartment. Besides I could use a walk to clear my mind after dropping off the money so I wasn't heart broken to not have Frisk by my side. She needed the rest, needed to get some more sleep in her to feel better, yesterday had been a pretty shitty day for her and I wasn't about to make her drop off some cash to the landlord that didn't seem to like her for no reason. I sighed, spotting the tiny shed in the distance. People browsed around but there weren't a whole lot of them around at this hour, it was nice, I waved to a few of them, noticing I was the girl with Frisk and waved back, being polite.

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