Bar Food

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I had woken up a while ago but I laid in bed, not moving, my head still hurt and I was honestly scared to go look at myself in the mirror, afraid of what I'd see staring back. Finally with slow movements I pushed the covers form my form, hot and sweaty underneath the bunched blankets to keep me a normal temperature in this chilly god forsaken room. My body ached, still warning me to be careful around the skeleton who was just in the other room, I had heard him walk around but he didn't come bother me again after this morning, instead stayed away from me and even the door, knowing damn well I could hear him. My arms pushed me from the bed slowly, inclining my body into a seated form as I dragged my legs off the side of the bed, staring at the wall with pity and stood up, wobbling at first before recalculating my footing and adjusted my body weight. I sighed, calming my breaths and nerves as I turned and tip toed to the door, opening it quietly and slowly, peeking out to find G sitting on the counter of the kitchen, I frowned but did my best to ignore him and open the door wider. That seemed to catch his attention cause he snapped his neck at me, staring at my shivering form walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

He contemplated going after her, checking on her and making sure she was doing better but the previous night flew through his memories and he thought better of it, slowly facing back forwards and frowning at himself. Why did he do that, he always had been told he had bad anger issues when things didn't go his way but he wasn't a murderer roaming the streets unless he was cornered and there was no other way. Yet the girl ignoring him had been beaten to the brink of death by his hands, he could feel the wet feeling over his knuckle bones and forced down a shiver, clenching his jaw and forcing the memories away.

In the bathroom I leaned against the door for a moment, calming my rapid heartbeat until I had calmed and turned on the light with my left hand. I cracked an eye open, moving my gaze slowly to the mirror at my crippled reflection looking back, I winced at the damage, a split nose and lips, both my eyes bruised deeply, my right being worse than my left, both swollen enough to notice the damage even with makeup powdered on. I continued staring at myself, my left cheek also split open, crusted over with scaring bound to happen in the long run, other than my face my entire body seemed ok in the least, no big bruises that hadn't already been there and no stab wounds or cuts littering my arms, torso or legs. I guess that was a good sign, he didn't do anything else to me, I swallowed hard and turned away, fiddling with the shower until it turned on and drew the curtain. I stepped back, slowly peeling off my sweaty disgusting clothes and threw them to the ground, not caring about the mess before making my way into the shower. Steam flooded my body, my muscles relaxing ever so slightly as my lips parted, a long sigh leaving them along with a groan. Getting under water felt great, I could see the dirt and muck that clung to me swirl the drain, leaving purified water behind, I already felt better with the water beating over my head and my shoulders relaxed under the heat. The tension in my body leaving in little bits as I dowsed myself, taking care in my eyes and swollen cheeks, My hair clung to my neck and back, my body feeling more stable with the weight of water trapped in my hair, it helped keep me grounded. My body turned, looking around to find some shower supplies, some shampoo, conditioner and a bar of soap. I looked to the other side and stopped, now why on earth would he have a use for a razor, he was a skeleton for god sake. I frowned, it didn't look to be used, the safety plastic still over the safety razor head. I inspected it before popping the plastic off and testing the blades with my thumb, nicking a small part before I pulled away, it seemed sharp and ready to use. I quirked an eyebrow but set it down gently and picked up the shampoo instead, squeezing some onto my palm before rubbing it into my scalp, rubbing my finger tips against my head to stimulate blood flow in the area. When I was done I washed it out and continued with the conditioner, taking longer with this step as I lathered my legs and armpits up as well and shaved them carefully, already having just cleaned myself properly I felt better, refreshed. Something I hadn't felt in a very long time, this helped me discard what I'd been through for the moment. When I was done I washed my body clean along with my hair and just leaned against the tile, enjoying the sounds of water splashing against my body but I knew I would have to get out soon so with hesitation I turned the water off and pushed the curtain open. The mirror instantly fogged, now cloudy with water, my hands gripped onto the fluffy towel and pulled it from its place, drying myself and rubbing my hair as dry as I could. I stood in the mirror and swiped a hand over the fog, letting parts of my body be shown along with my numb expression, I stared into my own eyes for a long period before jumping. A knock resounded in the small space and my heart beat thumped against my ribcage, threatening to break out but I took a shaky breath in and said a firm what in retaliation.

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