Myserty Inc. Pt 2

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You walked down the street of Corn Corner with the myserty gang and your own small group. You had filled everyone in via text, but you told them not to worry. Buttercup, Zak, and Courage would be the backup you'll need if anything happened.

Daphne: But, he can't be real.

Buttercup: I'm with ya in that one.

Velma: Daphne, it doesn't matter if we think Clem is real, what matters is these folks think he's real.

Y/N: Besides, he's dangerous regardless. We need to be on guard. He could be just around the corner for all we know.

Ironically enough, Shaggy and Scooby, who had been walling ahead, were about to turn the corner when none other than Cornfield Clem emerged. He lifted his sickle and let out a growl, before he suddenly vanished in a gust of wind.

You all hurried over to Shaggy and Scooby, only to find Buttercup holding the creature up by his overalls.

Buttercup: Not so scary now, are you?

However, this victory was short lived when the bottom half of Clem fell, revealing a middleschooler. Buttercup, confused, lowered the top half and took off his mask, revealing another kid.

Buttercup let go and the two ran off laughing.

Shaggy: Oh yeah? Well, we've been a lot more scared than that!

Scooby: Yeah, a lot more.

No one even noticed Courage hugging your arm, still shaking like crazy.

Y/N: Wow. Clem is back for one day and they already have costumes?

Velma: Yeah, where did they get it?

Daphne: My guess is over there.

You all looked across the street to see a novelty store, decorated for Halloween. Buttercup rejoined the group and looked at the shop.

Fred: Say, how did you do that?

Buttercup: Training. And this thing called Chemical X. I'll tell you about it on our way over. You see, it started in this basement lab.....

As Buttercup explained her powers, you all made your way over to the shop. Time for some clues.

Power Up!

You looked through the window of the shop and found a variety of Cornfield Clem merchandise on display. It looked like a Cornfield Clem convention in there.

Y/N: Hm. Cornfield Clem Mask, Cornfield Clem Plates, Cornfield Clem Coffee Mugs? Man, this guy should trademark his name.

???: That would be a shame. He's our biggest seller.

You all looked down and found what you could only describe as Igor dressed like Stephen King. Courage screamed and immediately hide behind Buttercup.

Y/N: Uh, do you sell a lot of these masks?

Shopkeeper: Oh yes. Cornfield Clem is a local favorite. Mmh. I suspect that by Halloween, over 100 people will be wearing them.

Velma: That makes our job a whole lot harder.

It would be a problem if everyone was just dressed like Cornfield Clem. Especially if another attack happened. You rubbed your chin, before you had an idea.

Y/N: I think we can solve this mystery now. We just need to see him up close.

The Mystery Inc gang looked at you confused.

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