Mystery Inc. Pt. 1

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You sat at your desk, for the first time in what felt like years, and stared out the window. You were pretty bored, though you had every reason not to be.

Zak: Man, you got some seriously cute girls here.

You looked to your right where Zak was sitting with his feet on the desk, where he was checking out some of the classmates who were giggling over him. He already had himself a fan base.

Brat: Keep it to yourself, dude.

Brat stared at her phone in the desk in front of you. She had done what she could to hide the fact that she was Bubble's alternative version from another world. Thanks to Princess, she was pretty successful.

The two were now your classmates thanks to Liz and the Professor pulling some strings. No one knew that you were all living together, and you wanted to keep it that way.

If there was any silver lining here, it was that Halloween was right around the corner. And as such, there was a festival taking place just outside of Townsville.

As we speak, there was a cornmaze that had been set up. Jack-o-lanterns lined the walkways and scarecrows hung from their wooden posts. And from the darkness of the corn came a beast with black fur and red eyes. It's teeth were a disgusting yellow and it was behind held by...a normal dude. One of the workers who had helped put the maze together.

Levi: See, Maizy, when someone goes by this dummy jumps out to scare 'em.

A girl, Maizy as previously stated, happily walked over to her friend with a massive smile.

Maizy: Oh, Levi, this is gonna be the best Halloween harvest ever!

Levi lowered the dummy with a shy smile. These two have known each other since high-school, and now that they were in college, he felt like it was time for him to more open about his feelings towards the girl.

Levi: Especially since this year, you're my Corn Cob Queen.

Maizy took his hands and returned the gesture.

Maizy: And you're my Corn Cob King.

Their moment, however, was suddenly interrupted when they heard growling getting closer. They looked down the path to see two figures making their way towards the couple. But, the two weren't scared by the obviously fake costumes.

Maizy: Guys, it isn't even Halloween yet.

The "monsters" took off their masks, everyone unaware of the strange fog suddenly rolling in.

Dork: Uh, duh, Maizy. We're just practicing.

Maizy: Well don't let anybody see you. It'll spoil the surpise.

Levi looked past the boys and suddenly realized yet another figure standing there. At the moment, only the four of them should be in this area. Everyone else was back at the entrance.

Levi: Hey, who set up that scarecrow?

Everyone turned and looked to see the scarecrow in question. It didn't react, it just stood there with it's back to the group. Miziy quickly took out her phone and started to record. The scarecrow suddenly turned.

Miziy: I-Is that another dummy?

The scarecrow growled as it fully turned around. The group suddenly found themselves struck with fear. The scarecrow swung it's sickle, slicing a row of corn before crying out.

Dork: That's Cornfield Clem!

The scarecrow suddenly extended it's I human arm and tried to attack the group, but the teens were already on the run. The scarecrow screamed out once again.

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