16 Candles And One Wish

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It was now Tuesday and you were staring at the clock with worried eyes. It was like every second that passed, the closer to got to your deadline.

Bubbles was holding it together well. No one noticed anything strange about her save for maybe a leaf poking it of her hair. She always played it off.

But you also had other worries. Lesser, worries.

The girls had their 16th birthday coming up. And after them, it would be Zak's birthday. Then Mitch's. Even the Rowdy's were older than you.

You were the youngest. Always were.

You flipped a pencil around your fingers while you stared at the roof of the classroom. You got a present for each of them, but you couldn't find much birthday cheer in yourself.

Friday, after school, you and your team, plus Bubbles, would be going to Lakeview to find the brothers who had already defeated the Beast.

You looked over at the clock and suddenly found an idea popping into your head.

Power Up!

Brat always woke up before you did. Though now that you knew that the two of you were sharing a bed, you had started to put up a kind of pillow wall to make sure you didn't accidentally hug her or something in your sleep.

However, she was surpised to find you already gone when she got up. When she walked into the living room, she found you putting something into a plastic case.

Brat: What are you <yawn> doing?

Courage walked by with a cup of coffee and messy fur mumbling about how you had been up since before the sun rose. Brat watched as he walked into your room before he closed the door.

Y/N: It's a very special day. A birthday, to be exact, my dear Brat.

Brat: "My dear"?

You suddenly held out a cupcake towards her. It was dark blue with black sprinkles. She stared at it before she looked at you.

Y/N: Happy 16th Birthday.

Brat slowly took the cupcake and looked at it.

She had never really gotten to celebrate her birthday before. Her sisters usually just picked on her and made her cry. And birthday punched were always bad when you had not one, but two superpowered siblings who were stronger than you.

She never even had a cupcake before.

Your eyes grew wide when you saw tears in her eyes. Did you do something wrong? Was she allergic to something in the cupcake?

Y/N: You alright?

You grabbed her shoulder and quickly panicked, but you suddenly found her hugging you tightly.

Y/N: Uh, what's wrong?

Brat: Nothing. It's nothing.

She let you go and wiped her eyes. She was glad she hadn't put her makeup on yet.

Y/N: Um...

Brat: Tell anyone about this, and I'll make sure you can never have kids.

You just froze up at the thought. Brat, meanwhile, smiled and peeled the liner off.

She then got some frosting on her finger and swiped it on your cheek.

Y/N: Hey, what the....

Brat quickly leaned up and licked it off your skin. You immediately grew red from embarrassment while Brat laughed. You had no idea what to do.

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