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Oscar Valentine

"Sir we have the files about Ruby," one of my men said as he handed me the papers, I opened it and saw my wife's beautiful face, I sighed in frustration and put the papers down, and headed out of my office.

"Sir," he said looking at me who gave me the papers

"I need to clear my mind," I said he nodded his head, I called Robert and asked him to watch Athena and he agreed. I sat down on the couch and waited for Robert, about a minute later I heard the doorbell. I opened the door and walked in.

"You alright," he asked me I just nodded my head

"I'm going out for a while to clear my head," I said, he nodded his head

I walked out of the house and got into my vehicle and drove off to gosh knows where. I drove about an hour around the city when I stop at the red light. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her again, she was walking with just a hospital gown on. I then saw people running after her, she was scared. I got out quickly and she looked up at me

"Come with me if you want to escape them," I said, she hesitated but took my hand and we got into my vehicle and I drove off.

"What is your name," I asked her, she looked at me as I looked at her and then at the road

"I don't remember, I escape a place where they kept me in a dark room for years it felt like it until I escaped, they did everything to me," she said as she broke down, I parked my vehicle on the side of the road. I pulled her towards me and hugged her as she cried.

"I want to remember who I am," she said as she cried

"I'm so sorry" I whispered

"I have nowhere else to go," she said as she pulled back from my hug

"If you want to you can stay with me for a while or I can pay for" but she cut me off

"No not the hotel please, I will stay with you, I feel like I can trust you, you did save me," she said looking at me, I smiled at her and nodded my head, and took off to my house. As we got there, I looked at her and saw her reaction she was in shock like Ruby was when she first arrived here.

"This is a beautiful home," she said, I smiled at her

I got out of the vehicle and she did as well, we walked towards my home. I opened the door and she stepped in first. She looked around and her eyes were wide.

"Let me show you, your room," I said she nodded her head, we were about to walk up the stairs when I heard Robert

"Man I can't believe you're getting some after all these years," he said behind me, I felt the woman turn around and looked at Robert, his eyes went wide

"Oh my gosh," he said, I looked at him and glared he nodded his head and walked away

I showed her, her room and walked out of the room leaving her for privacy, I walked downstairs and saw Robert looking at me waiting for an explanation

"Dude you can't bring her here," Robert said I looked at him and sighed in frustration, and sat down on the couch rubbing my head

"Listen I don't know why I brought her here, she had nowhere else to go and she was running on the streets in a hospital gown," I said not looking at Robert

"What happens if she isn't Ruby but someone looking like her," he said, I looked up at him

"And what happens if she is Ruby," I said, he didn't say anything instead pat my shoulder and walked towards the door

"I will see you tomorrow," he said and left the house, what the hell am I doing?! 

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