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"I want you, Oscar," she said I looked at her up and down and smirked. I got up and moved her towards the wall making her hit the wall with her back. I placed both of her hands over her head. I kissed her neck and sucked on her neck making a hickey. She moaned out, I moved my hand towards the zipper of my pants and pulled it down and my boxer, causing my dick to spring out. I moved my dick on her pussy causing her nails to dig into my back causing me to moan. I have never moaned out like the way I am with her. I looked at her and passionately kissed her while sliding my dick into her pussy causing her to moan and groan in pain but pleasure also. I went in and out of her slowly as she crawled my back in pleasure. Fuck! I felt her tighten around my cock, as I was pounding her. I looked into her eyes and something in me felt like I want her to be mine forever, I pound her, even more, faster as she moaned and clawed my back, I moaned out.

"Ruby" I moaned her name, I felt like I was going to explode in her when the door opened, and saw Danny standing there with wide eyes, I looked at him and smirked. He quickly closed the door.

"uh who was that" Ruby moaned out as I was still pounding her hard and fast

"fuck, no one, they had the wrong room" I moaned out as I felt myself about to cum

"fuck I'm going to cum" I moaned

"I'm going to cum, Oscar" she moaned out as I pound harder and faster and felt myself cum in her deeply, as I felt her walls around my cock tighten as she cum. I looked at her as she collapsed in my arms. I smiled at her, carried her over to my couch, and laid down with her while she slept on my chest. I kissed her forehead and fell asleep. I was woken from my sleep when I just remember something. My heart pounded out of my chest as I looked down at her slowly and saw her still asleep, I sighed in relief. I'm so happy she wasn't gone, I can't do this again! I went back to sleep as I felt her move on me. I was woken again by Ruby looking at me with wide eyes.

"what happened? Why am I here" she said and looked down at herself and saw she was naked. She jumped off of the couch and looked at me with wide eyes.

"You took avenged of me when you knew I was drunk" she yelled at me, I looked at her

"How could you" she yelled at me and walked up to me and slapped me across the face hard

"I thought you would be different, and respect women" she yelled at me more and grabbed her clothes, and put them on as I watched her. I wish I could tell her about my secret. I watched her run out of my office. I sighed and put on my clothes and saw Danny walk into my office.

"How was your night with Ruby," he said smirking at me, I looked at him in anger

"it was a mistake, Danny, A FUCKING MISTAKE" I yelled in anger, I looked behind me and saw Ruby standing there with tears in her eyes. Shit!

"Ruby, wait," I said, why do I fucking keep saying shit like this when she is somewhere in sight, pushing Danny out of the way and saw her run down the stairs, I grabbed her arm before she could reach the bottom. She looked at me and frowned.

"you know what Oscar, you are right that night maybe was a mistake, I'm sorry I was stupid enough to kiss you!" she yelled at me, I looked at her angry

"you are right, and I was so stupid to put my lips on yours" I yelled back at her in anger, and soon everyone in the club that I own in Los Angels, stop what they were doing even the music. They all watched us.

"I hate you" she yelled in anger and saw tears coming down her face

"you don't mean that," I said looking at her, she looked up at me

"I do I fucking hate you, here I thought I fell for you," she said and everyone gaps

"y-you fell for me" I stuttered, I heard everyone whisper at how I stuttered at my words

"Ruby, I didn't know you fell for me," I said looking at her, she looked at me angrily and hurt. She pushed me and ran down the stairs crying.

"Ruby" I yelled at her, she stopped and looked at me, saw tears in her eyes, and push open the door to the exit, and left my building. That was the last time I saw her. My true love!

I walked back into my office and slammed the door shut and looked at my desk and then the couch I saw the purse she had, I picked it up and put it in the safe I had in my office

I walked back into my office and slammed the door shut and looked at my desk and then the couch I saw the purse she had, I picked it up and put it in the safe I had in my office. I will always remember you, Ruby. I said to myself, I turned around and saw Danny still standing there.

"Dude what the fuck happened," he said angrily at me

"None of your business Danny," I said angrily

"It is my business when you hurt her, she is m-"but I cut him off angry

"you are her what," I said angrily

"I'm her damn friend, you got some jealous issues," he said angrily

"FUCK OFF, GET OUT," I said yelling at him in anger 

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