Chapter 38

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The rest of August disappeared into thin air faster than Tom could blink. Or so it felt like. He had been having a wonderful summer break, the best he'd ever experienced actually, but it still didn't feel like quite enough time. He wanted more, and a big part of him worried that he'd always want more when it came to her.

Because it was Hermione that held the key to his happiness. He'd never experienced it before, only anger and despair, but with her it came so easy.

Tom had been corresponding with Avery and Lestrange, both of which told him that the trio of bumbleheads had been avoiding contact with them as well. An aspiring fury had been growing since he realized that they were keeping their distance. How dare they? He was their leader, and he did not take lightly being set aside.

One of the letters from Lestrange was particularly keen information, all thanks to his betrothed Miss Greengrass. If nothing, she was a hell of a gossiper.

'My lord.

I write to you with anger, because it seems Malfoy is planning on turning against you this year. Amelia told me that she overheard him speaking with Crabbe and Goyle while visiting with her parents, she was of course not seen.

Apparently he still holds a greater grudge against you than we initially feared. It seems like the session at the end of last year didn't sit too right with him.

Malfoy also mentioned that you've gone... softer, as of late. This is of course nothing that myself or Avery claims. We still think you're a superb leader.

He has also catched on to your... friendship, with Miss Bernard, and is most angry with this. He feels you cheated him of the opportunity to bed her, and intends to continue his pursuit this year.

I hope this letter finds you well. Give my warmest regards to Miss Bernard.

Yours in service,

Derick Lestrange.'

Tom reread the letter for the fourth time, going over what this would all mean for the up and coming year. He could sense some truth in the words. After all, he'd stopped persuiting more artifacts from the founders, he hadn't been working on the tattoo idea he came up with a few months back, and he hadn't tortured anyone in months with the exception of Malfoy. If they thought him soft, he'd show them just how angry he could get. Sure, he was happier now, and therefore might not be as keen to torture people everyday, but that didn't mean they could turn their backs on him. Turn their backs on Slytherin himself. No. He'd show them just how he dealt with traitors.

It was these thoughts Hermione interrupted when she addressed him for the first time in about an hour.

"Hey Tom! You haven't shown me the Slytherin common room. You've seen Ravenclaw's and Gryffindor's, it's only fair that you show me yours."

A small smile found itself on his lips. He had certainly shown her his as she showed him hers, several times actually. But this was apparently not about their private parts. But then again, she was asking for a trip down to the dungeons. With him. That must be code for some hot sex.

"Oh sure, I'll take you down to the dungeons." he said while taking in her outfit for the tenth time this day.

She was wearing an exceptionally cute dress with sunflowers on it. It hugged her figure in a most flattery way, showing off her swell of breasts in a U shape neckline. It ended cheekily right above her knees, something he wasn't used to seeing on girls. Not that he complained.

"Not like that you creep! I just want to see the common room!" She laughed and pushed his shoulder in a playful way.

Tom laughed out loud. If he could bet on it, he'd say they would have some sex in the dungeons.

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