The Keyanta Curse ~Preview~

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Thanks for reading my book "D-BOYS" Here is a glimpse of my new book "The Keyanta Curse" a Jeon Hoseok fanfic

The Keyanta Curse - public on my page

The car ride felt like it lasted years. I did enjoy the scenery though. I've always had a strong love for nature. In fact every now and then i spent my time in our families garden. I'm convinced that everyone else forgot about it since i never see them visit it anymore. Not that i'm complaining since it is one of my many save heavens away from everyone at our estate.

Arriving at the Hope estate i gasped, it looked so different from how i remembered it. Of course i was 15 when i first visited it. Now i'm 19 and barely leave my room. So i guess it makes since that i was the only one a little shocked by the sight.

A servant opened the door and helped me and my mom out as my brothers and fathers got out on the other side. i sighed fixing my hair before holding my head low. I didn't wish to make eye contact or hold conversation with anyone. I'm sure my attendance here wasn't even needed. so i'll keep my head low and keep quiet.

I followed my mom as she walked behind my dad and brothers. we were escorted to a room where the head of the Hope family sat with his wife and two sons. i looked away. I'm not even sure what their names are which is bad being that i'm technically married to one of them.

we all sat down. Of course i kept my head low. i tuned out has Mr. Hope spoke with my father. My mom naturally began to speak to his wife while all the guys talked amongst each other. i sat playing with my fingers. it's always the same feeling. Even when tons of people were around i always felt lonely.

i jumped a little when maids walked thru the room placing tea in front of everyone. i calmly took my tea and sipped from it. as someone spoke.

Mr.Hope - i called you all here today for a very important matter. We've seemed to have some issues that might impact us socially.

Glimpse #2:

I woke up to the smell of food. My mouth watered at the thought. I was starving. Opening my eyes i was in my bed. HUH?? when did i get here. I remember being in the bath last.... Looking to my right ochi was sitting down a tray of food and medicine.

Looking out the window i could tell it was late.

Ochi - OH ! Your awake... Mr. Xuri carried you all the way here, and got you dressed. You missed lunch so he had me bring you dinner and some medicine for your cold??

"COLD?? wait.... he dressed me?"

i practically screamed.

Ochi - well yes...You fell asleep in the bath house and was there for many hours. Sir xuri was the one who brought you here to your chamber.

I sat back puzzled at the thought of him seeing me naked.

"Well, i'll be sure to thank him"

Ochi - very well.

he left. i took the medicine and drunk some water. before sliding on my house shoes and grabbing the tray of food. Walking out my chamber i walked down the hall to his, i hope he's still awake.

Knocking i waited.

Xuri's deep voice boomed thru the door.

Xuri - you may enter.

I walked inside slowly holding my tray. Xuri looked up from his book, sliding his glasses off. He looked confused.

Xuri - you... shouldn't you be resting.... you need to return to your chamber and sleep at once.

He said sitting up. I sat my tray on his bed before sliding off my slippers and climbing on the bed.

"relax..i feel fine after taking the medicine. Thanks Xuri"

He nodded in approval before going back to his book.

"You know..I'd like to share this meal with you as a thank you. I'm fairly small so theres no way i could ever finish all this alone."

He paused looking away from his book up at me.

Xuri - Just give what you don't finish back to ochi. I'm full plus i don't share food with friends often.

I frowned, how are we gonna work together if he wont even open up to my gestures.

"Well... i wasn't asking as a friend.... i came hopping my husband would share a meal with me.."

He looked puzzled, before sitting down his book on the nightstand. Pulling the tray closer to him he grabbed some food taking a bite. I smiled satisfied. Now we're getting somewhere. It seems that every time i mention him being my husband it hits a soft spot. Hmm... thats good to know.

Glimpse #3:

I stood in the mirror fixing my hair. as Xuri walked out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. I stared as the water ran down his chest, he was too busy wiping face with another towel to catch me fan girling over him.

I looked away quickly afraid i'd get caught if i stared for too long.

Today we were supposed to be going to eat with his childhood friend. He told me to be on my best behavior but i'm more worried about him.

He's been zoning out a lot today. Slipping on my heels i grabbed my purse and my phone smiling down at the text Yulus sent me complimenting my on my photography skills.


i jumped looking away from my phone to see him towering over me. he had a stern look. Putting away my phone i gave him my full attention.

"Yes my love?"

i said hoping to butter him up.

His face turned a light shade of pink and he scratched his neck looking away.

Xuri- could..... could you maybe help me out with my tie. I normally have sempi do it but your here.... so i thought why not just ask you.

I stood close to him and began tying his tie.

"You look amazing tonight Xuri"

He grabbed both of my hands pulling me into his chest.

Xuri- do you really mean that? or are you just saying it to make me feel good?

I smiled patting his chest before pushing him away picking up my phone and purse. I saw the look in his eyes. The truth was both... i meant it but part of me felt like i needed to say it to keep his spirits up.

If he's going through a rough patch like Yulus says, i should really help out by watching what i say and giving him a compliment from time to time.

"The keyanta Curse" BY: DeepImagines. add it to your library. Just another short story to read while passing time. 

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