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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

2 weeks later. 

I moaned throwing my head back a swallowing before looking over at the two pairs of eyes that watched me. 

Yulus: BITCH!!! you did not have to do all that!!

"𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥!??? 𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕!"

Jin throw his head back laughing as I continued to chew on my food while yulus mugged me. he looked me up and down for a minute before taking out his phone...mumbling

Yulus: fuck.... I should call him.

he got up darting towards the bathroom no doubt to have phone sex with yoongi.

I shook my head as jin's laughter died down. we were out at one of the many restaurants he owned.. he was treating us to lunch. 

Jin: speaking of how are you and the boys?? 

I covered my mouth so he couldn't see my big smile.  Every time someone bought them up I smiled like a mad woman. The relationship had been surprisingly good. 

I never felt left out and they never argued over me or my attention. It really felt like I had been with them forever and that's what I loved about the whole thing. we all made time for each other and it made me happy.

I also learned new things about them

for example... Namjoon's love language is definitely gifting.. but not only that, he likes learning new things then teaching them to you. it's like he enjoys gifting knowledge. I love that about him. 

he definitely spoils me and jk. gifting us random things you wouldn't even think of. but its sweet bc he thought of you when he saw such items. some times at dinners we'll have long talks and he'll teach me and kook something he learned recently. or take us "namjooning" as he likes to call it. visiting other random museums and such or just enjoying nature and learning a new fact everyday. 

Jk is a drama queen but in the best way. he wants all your attention 24/7 and when he doesn't have it, he'll do whatever needs to be done to get it. He randomly does sweet gestures and it lets you know that he's always thinking of you..  I've even caught joon secretly blushing at some of the things jk does for him.

I didn't realize I was so deep in my thoughts until jin spoke.

Jin: I know that look in your eye. I see it in the guys eyes every time they look at each other.

he reached across the table and placed his hand on top of mine giving me a soft smile. 

Jin: treat them well kamaria. Let me know if they slip up or fall out of line. I'll rough them up for you. 

I nodded just as Yulus came back, we both turned our attention to him.

Yulus: soooooooooooooo will you be at the lounge tonight jin?

jin nodded sipping his drink.

Jin: you know it. ever since I met you two, I've been promoting it more than usual and the turn out has been amazing. tonights NBA night. its my second time doing this theme. the turn out was well. but I did receive a few messages from people who weren't able to make it that requested a second run and I think you and kamaria should stop by. I just know you'll top off tonights theme well.

he ranted and I nodded already thinking of things I could wear in my head.

"𝕆𝕜𝕒𝕪 𝕤𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕚𝕞 𝕚𝕟."

D-BOYSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें