
620 31 14

There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

The lounge was live tonight. everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Although I couldn't shake the feeling of eyes following me throughout the night. At first I thought I was just imagining things but as the night went on the feeling grew stronger. 

at one point I finally made eye contact with my silent admirer. It was a girl, she was a bit shorter than me and although I got the sense that she was familiar in some way. The vibe from her stare wasn't welcoming. Almost as if she was silently judging me. 

A few times throughout the night Namjoon had noticed my lingering gaze to the spaces around me and my habit to fall into a deep thinking state. 

Though every time he asked it told him it was nothing and that I was fine. Truth is.... it really was nothing. Yeah I feel like I knew her from somewhere but I obviously didn't know her well enough to pin point from where. and if I couldn't do that then she must not of been of any importance to me. her ugly stares won't do anything to affect my mood. so I really didn't want him to dwell on it. 

she could just be some random girl having a bad night. so she's taking it out by judging those around her. I will say that no matter where I went in the club her eyes followed. Like she had something she needed to say to me, something to get off her chest. But if she could never man up and come speak to me it wasn't worth my time. 

After reassuring Namjoon that I was fine for like the 5th time Yulus came over, pulling me away to go drink some more and dance with him. which I certainly wasn't turning down. Hobi, JK and Jimin were all having a dance battle and I was just happy that my baby was having fun and letting off stress. He'd been a little whiny this week. 

more than usual, I'll have to remember to talk to Namjoon about that later. But that's a though for another time. 

I watched as Ria walked away with yulus before the couch cushion next to me lowered a bit. looking over I saw a relaxed yoongi

Yoongi: Would you like a puff??

he slowly lifted a cigar to my face which I gladly accepted and took a puff before handing it back to him. 

Yoongi was the silent one in the group but I felt I keep up to date with him very well. while him and Jimin worked at the university he often came to visit me in my office and we enjoyed lunch together on many occasions. sometimes just going out and taking walks together I'd let him get things off his chest or say whatever came to mind. 

It became a norm for us, so I knew very quickly what the look me that he was sending yulus who was dancing with one of my other half

"𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕟'𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦??"

he sighed before looking over at me.

Yoongi: yeah... he just fits me... he's the right amount of hyper. says what's on his mind and doesn't take crap from people. I'm always silent do to my temper and being easily annoyed makes it hard for me to get along with people without wanting to snap but it's like he reads me like a book and snaps on my behalf sometimes. Keeping him around just feels right He also goes with the flow and doesn't mind staying inside most times.

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