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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't. 

I stood there staring around the now empty room. I finally did it. It finally happened, I graduated college and I couldn't be any happier. 

But a part of me was sad. Or I guess scared is the right word to use. I'm starting a new chapter in my life and its always scary going into the next phase in your life you know?? and for me i feel like its all happening so fast. 

I stared at the hardwood floors of what would starting tonight be my old apartment. I've rarely seen this place lately. Honestly it doesn't even feel like home anymore. 

But saying goodbye is still so hard since it'll always hold a cozy spot in my heart.

Jk: Baby Joon took down the last box. It looks so scary now that its empty. Almost wipes every trace of life and any kind of love.

I nodded as he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.

I knew this new chapter was going to be exciting with my lovers. Speaking of. My mom and sister came to my graduation.

My lovely sister who kept flirting with both of my boyfriends got on my nerves the entire time. She kept explaining how it was a joke. they were only jokes and i shouldn't take it to heart. I just felt like whether its a joke or not. If i tell you that its bothering me and making me uncomfortable, you shouldn't do it. Especially if it was a joke and now that you are made aware that you are crossing a line you should respect that and stop.

But im not surprise that she didn't care at all about how i felt or for my feelings. It's how she's always been and a part of the reason i needed to get away from home.

My mom on the other hand wasn't as welcoming about the idea of me having two boyfriends. And not for the reasons you think. She was upset that i would be so selfish as to engage with two guys at once and said that women like me are the reason well deserving girls like her end up single. 

Saying that good women get done wrong and taken advantage of every day. Left in the dust by their partners, who go searching for something more or new to experiment.

I guess in her eyes i'm the experiment? She claims that im apart of the problem. But how is that fair if this is something both of my boyfriends wanted?? how does that make since if they are grown men who make their own choices. Why am i the siren beauty that holds the captive away from their true lovers for eternity???

I honestly didn't even want to introduce the guys to them as my boyfriends. I wanted Jk to be a close friend whom I'd be working with after college and Namjoon to be the boss man who gave me an internship because my academics and work ethic was great. 

i would have been fine with that outcome. After many arguments the boys finally agreed although they weren't at all happy.

they couldn't understand why i wouldn't want to tell family about them

But they're cooperation went out the door when my sister boldly flirted with Jk after he introduced himself. He latched to my side saying he was my boyfriend but what made it worst was Namjoon came up to us pulling Jk into a hug and kissing him. which confused them.

although it wasn't Namjoon's fault since he wasn't apart of the prior convo.

Their mouths dropped at the intimacy between the two men and i was forced to tell them about our entanglement 

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