9% fat milk

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Standing in the city bus, they both held the pole during their ride to school. He though it was a great opportunity to sweep in for a kiss if she wasn't acting so...weird this morning.

Her gaze matched her tone—distant. "My dad said I should stop seeing you," she finally said. Lacey wasn't even looking at him, not that his disappointment wasn't visible. He frowned.

He didn't like hiding his feelings.

"I told him to fuck off and I could hang out with whomever I wanted to."

Neither did she.

She lifted her eyes off the window, her focus on him now. "Not that I have a choice though. There's only one bus stop that passes both our schools so even if I hated you, I'd still have to stand with you every morning."

He flinched at her words. She didn't apologize.

"Are you good at trigonometry?" she asked. She was still looking at him!

He nodded faster than he liked.

"Good. Library. Four o'clock."

The bus jerked to a stop and he didn't even catch her before she was gone.

Today? Four o'clock today?

He swallowed hard. Guess he should've told her he actually failed trigonometry.

Chubby Love (2015)Where stories live. Discover now