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  IO'S PLAN WAS going perfectly. That was the thought that went through Irina's mind when her horse started to tremble. Her grip around the reins instinctively tightened, and she casted Malcolm a quick look. He nodded and leapt off his horse, slowly making his way over to grab the rein of her horse as well as his own. Irina sucked in a quiet breath.

  She really did not want to be tossed off a horse.

  They moved into an area with slightly more people, but still sparse enough that no one would get hurt. She could feel her friends' eyes on her all around, even though she was acutely aware that they were spread far across the field.

  This was a performance, and the entire world was watching.

  "This horse..." Irina started, doing her hardest to seem as natural as possible as the horse shuddered and neighed beneath her. "What on earth...?"

  Malcolm's brows furrowed. "Do you want to get off? It's being..."

  "Holy—" the horse's front legs buckled for a split moment, and Irina was tossed frontwards, but she managed to retain her balance. "I need to get off. Someone—"

  Everyone around was staring now, some with confusion, some with horror as the horse began to shake. And by that she meant shake.

  She'd be lying if she said she wasn't scared. This was still a horse that was out of control, and she couldn't get off now, not yet. She needed something bigger. Something more dramatic.

  "Princess Irina," a new voice started, "I think it'd be safer if you get off that horse." It was Stoneworth, who'd just gotten off his horse and was nearing.

  Irina said, "I think so too, but, ah, the horse isn't exactl steadying."

  "Colonel, hold on, let me see if I can help." Stoneworth got even closer, but that was when everything happened. The horse slammed his rear into Stoneworth, who let out a howl as he was knocked off balance and onto the ground. Malcolm's eyes widened as the horse continued buckling and shaking.

  "Irina, you have to get off—"

  The horse did it for her, swinging again. Knowing Malcolm was there and that he could probably catch her, she let herself fly free. The moment she landed, though, she was immediately filled with regret. She should most definitely not have done that, as the horse almost trampled over her as it ran off. A group of stableboys instantly rushed forward to stop it.

  Irina could almost feel Io's proud smile from somewhere in the stands.

  Fuck you, Io. I'm never listening to you or your stupid plans ever again. Her back hurt like wildfire, the throbbing pain rendering her unable to move for a few seconds until the hurt started to subside. It was then she stood up wobbly, with help from Malcolm. But Stoneworth remained on the floor, hand over his ribs. "General Stoneworth! Are you alright?"

  "I think..." Stoneworth wheezed as his head was lifted above ground, "bone broken, I think."

  "You're alright, though?" Malcolm demanded, letting Irina go to check on him. "Nothing fatal?"

  "Just the bones," Stoneworth said, wincing. "That horse... has a kick."

  Someone had ushered the other guests of the field, and Asteria had rushed over, as had Myrina with a small team of physicians behind. Two went to her, the rest to Stoneworth, who was obviously more fatally injured. Irina's body hurt, but she didn't she'd actually broken or wounded anything, though perhaps part of her skin was torn. Stephen was crouching over Stoneworth, muttering things to him to keep him distracted from the pain.

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