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  IT ENDED in a tie, after the match cut into far too much of the next event's time. It was nearing twelve, the sun shining feverishly bright in the bright blue sky. The three joint winners, laughing, promised to continue the match whenever they had the time, and Irina wasn't quite sure if they were kidding or not.

  But next: the boat trip. Luo Yun Garden was built around a massive lake in the centre, and a trip around the lake would take around an hour, and allow one to see every corner of the garden. It was something every guest who visited the Garden had to do. Everyone was split up into four different ships, each with around twenty to thirty people, carefully hand selected by Myrina beforehand. Irina's ship consisted of Stephen, Stoneworth, Asteria, Naeva, North, and a few other Arecians and Caershireens, Harlande included. Harlande, who was staring at Asteria like she was the most precious diamond ever discovered.

  Asteria and Naeva were giving a lively tour of the garden, being the most well-versed in its history and geography. Irina and North, meanwhile, sat by the side, enjoying a cup of tea—they'd been here too many times to be properly wowed by the sights, so they let the Arecians and Caershireens enjoy the view instead.

  North said, "It's almost disconcerting, how different Naeva is the moment Malcolm is gone."

  "It's not just Malcolm," Irina noted silently. "She has no trouble interacting with the Girans. Arecians. Caershireens. Anyone but Saian ladies. You know why."

  "I wish I was joking, but really, it's because they're not Malcolm's type. They have no reason to stare down at her except for the fact that her family's impoverished, and, well, there are plenty of Vayantean refugees hanging around. They can't actually say anything about her."

  "She's not a quiet person by default."

  "No," North agreed. "And neither is she weak or boring or anything Malcolm thinks. She's a brave girl of ten and nine who deserves better. Unfortunately, she's trapped in a marriage under which she would not be happy."

  "He's an idiot to not have noticed."

  "He still sees her as a little girl," North said sadly. "A duty, rather than a partner of any kind. Malcolm has his own reasons, but they're not enough to justify this kind of behaviour. He doesn't think he's hurting her because he doesn't think she cares, but he's wrong. She doesn't care about him, not precisely, but words hurt."

  Irina shut her eyes. "Well, this is depressing."

  "I know it's inconvenient for you and Ryan to try to interfere, and probably not the wisest of choices. But I'm doing my best. You don't have to worry too much about it."

  "As long as they're engaged, Naeva will suffer. But if the engagement is broken, the rumours might just crush her. And she'll find it difficult to ever be married."

  "She can't stay in Sai."

  They'd all had their thoughts about it, but that was the first time Irina had ever heard anyone say it out loud. Her eyes jumped to North, nonplussed. "You really think so?" North was one of the smartest people she knew. There was a reason Ryan relied on him so much. If even he thought of things this way, there was no chance for Naeva left.

  "She's been on the brink of ruin since she was fourteen and her brother forced her into that engagement. And then died."

  Irina winced. "It was with good intentions."

  "It was a deal between Leonid Li and Malcolm, not between Naeva and Malcolm. Naeva was just a pawn in the whole thing, and a little girl. Yes. Leonid thought it might save his family, and he knew Malcolm wouldn't hurt Naeva, but it was still a shitty decision all around. He shouldn't have done it." Sometimes, Irina forgot that Leonid and North had been good friends too, before Naeva's older brother had tragically lost his life on the front lines. A good soldier, a good man, but not a good brother. He'd thought he was doing good, but really he'd just indirectly ruined his sister. Forever.

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