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THE REST OF the day passed in a blur. Irina went to Asteria's, and the two had a long and hearty discussion about all the problems that had been plaguing them. Two hours before the feast, Irina returned to her palace, where she, Myrina and Bing Yi quickly got themselves ready for the welcoming banquet. 

  Myrina murmured, "I feel less inclined to be as careful with how you look tonight. Putting any kind of effort into anything that has to do with the Meliqueans... I don't like it."

  "My oh my," Irina feigned shock. "Look at you being positively vengeful, Myrina."

  "I hide it well," Myrina replied, raising her chin as she fixed an elaborate, golden, flower-shaped head piece into Irina's hair. She gave it a quick pat when it was done, kneeling down to glance in the mirror before nodding in approval. Bing Yi was fussing about at the back of the room, polishing Irina's shoes.

  "Do you really, though?" Irina asked wryly. "Not around me, I think."

  "There is nothing I can hide from you, I've realised over the years, and there really is no point in trying. You're ready."

  Irina glanced into the mirror, squinted. "A bit more blush, I should think. Makes me look more healthy."

  "You didn't get enough sleep last night," Myrina scolded. "It's obvious in your face. Stayed up reading?"

  "A book on historical wars Justine lent me," Irina shrugged. "She wanted it back today, I had a bit left."

  "You could have asked her to let you keep it for one more day rather than let it bite into your sleep time. You're a public figure, you need to look perfect."

  "Nothing a bit of makeup can't fix," Irina murmured, pushing her stool out and slowly standing. "Bing Yi? Shoes."

  The maid came forward, the two pairs of cloth shoes in hand. Carefully, she placed them onto the ground. "Here, Your Highness."

  "Thank you." Irina slipped her feet in before turning back to Myrina. "You're not ready," she scolded.

  Myrina shrugged. "I'll go now. It doesn't take me that long anyways. I'll come back when I'm done."

   Irina nodded. Myrina's face was already done, only her hair needed work. "Take Bing Yi with you, she can help. I'll be fine here on my own."

  Bing Yi curtsied and followed Myrina out of the room. She heard the front door slide shut. And suddenly everything was quiet. Irina let out a sigh, stroking her sleeve. She rolled her shoulders, trying to relax her muscles. Dinner with the Meliqueans. Technically speaking they were sat rather far away, but there had been no choice but to put them besides some Wheldrakians and Caershireens. Arguments may still easily start, and as hosts they'd be the one expected to play peacekeeper. Of course, Ryan would be the one actually doing any work, but Irina would be expected to stand there and seem like she was helping, rather than cheering whoever had started the argument with the Meliqueans, or whoever were unfortunate enough to have been enraged by them.

   Truly, her opinion of the Meliqueans was so low it was slightly concerning.  But it wasn't all her fault, they'd had a massive part in lowering her opinion of them. Tian tian zuo si. Always looking for new ways to die, or so that phrase is technically translated. She hated people like that. They irritated her to no end.

  When Bing Yi and Myrina returned, it was almost time to meet up with Ryan and his parents. Irina stood, and they headed out of the palace together. The feast was to be held in one of the main palace buildings, but Irina made her way to the Emperor and Empress's residential palace instead. The guards let her in with a single glance. Irina went up the steps until she'd reached the doors, telling the maid who'd come out to welcome them, "Are the Emperor and Empress ready for tonight's dinner?"

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