Up and At Em [03]

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 [Cat] was already getting up before you, but it was probably because it's nocturnal, and needs to burn off it's short burst of energy..

 And does exactly that by running around like a maniac.

 You stepped carefully down the stairs. You shouldn't be up at this hour, not at all, actually. You didn't want to wake up your Aunt. The thing that didn't help is that you felt a pain on your thigh, which only confirms your suspicion that your cat scratched you. Little damn devil. Luckily it didn't hurt as much. Still ticked you off. 

 The worst thing about being up now, though, is the fact that your Aunt was RIGHT. You did wake up late at night and you ARE craving a snack. Your body probably couldn't take today. 

  You walked down on over to the fridge, gently grabbing a glass and filling it with cold water. You took a few sips as [Cat] trotted over to your side and stared at you. It meowed at you, probably begging for a treat. You narrowed your eyes to the window, as the light outside lightly blinded you. you looked to see a store. Maybe that could lower some of the energy you still have despite waking up 5 minutes ago.

 You get dressed, well, just put on a coat and some sweat pants, and head for the door. Not before [Cat] stops you dead in your tracks. The cat stared at the door. You went pensive for a bit. Why the hell is this cat at the door for no reason? You look around the house to see a leash.


 You're gonna go walk a cat at 4am like a dog?


 Of course you are.

 You set the leash on [Cat] and make sure they're strapped in good so they don't slip out. You wrap the leash's rope around your hand and wrist, then proceed to take your cat outside and lock the door behind you.

 This is the most boldest thing you've ever done with your cat. Aside from trying to give it a bath. Anything could happen out here. This cat might get hurt, or even get ticks.

But it's easier to walk [Cat] then leave it at home so the energy won't be an issue. You just need to be careful.

...Stepping out onto the dark street, it's more barren then ever. You hold your cat nearby as you explore the now dark area filled with trees and a little bit of buildings. You keep your eyes fixated on the road, and on [Cat] to make sure nothing's harming it or coming to harm it in any way. Things were looking decent. All you had to do was get a snack, go back home, and then badda bing badda boom! You can go back home and see how bad your scratch is!

...Oh yeah, you forgot to check it, moron. You sigh at your own stupidity. You probably should've done that back home, but you can't really just turn back now.

  You finally made your way to the store. It was just right across the street. Making your way across, you see the store's door open. The person looked... familiar. The person's eyes glanced over at you while walking, before completely stopping and turn back over to you. Could it be? You squinted to see if it was really who you thought it was.


 It was Player.

 "(Y/N)?? Is that you?" Player yelled from afar. "Yea!" You yell back, stepping into a nearby night lamp's glow as they approached.

 "What're you doing here at this time?" Player asks, tilting their head and looking surprised.

 "I'm here to.. get a small snack. Just so I can sleep." You say. Player gives you a small smile. "Ah, I see... you're just like me!"

 "Really?" You turn to look at him. "Sometimes, I get like that too. It's something that I've been doing for a while, aha." Player explains, scratching the back of his head. "I don't do it as frequently like you. In fact, this is the ONLY time I'm doing this." You looked away nervously. It felt a little strange being out here at this hour.

 "Neat." Player smiled. "This is your first time then. I'll show you the ropes."

 "Ropes?" You tilted your head. "Why is there ropes for getting a snack at 4am?"

 "'Cause, it's easier to get the GOOD snacks!" Player explains. They then look down. "Hey! Is that a cat?" Player asked, then points at [Cat], who's licking it's paw.

 "Oh, yeah, this is my cat [Cat]." You said, gently petting the cat's head, before getting immediately bit by it because the cat was still hyper. "OW!" You retracted your hand.

 "You okay?" Player steps a bit closer. "I'm- alright." You said. "Lemme see." Player says. Before you could even respond, however, he was already pulling your hand closer to inspect it.

 "Doesn't look too bad..." Player squinted his eyes, tilting your hand. "You just need a small bandaid." Player says, before digging into his pocket and pulling out a full on MEDKIT.

 Your eyes widened. Where the hell did that come from? "Where'd you get that?"

 "The store, of course." Player says casually. They take out a small enough bandaid to gently place it on your finger. "Thanks.." You say, "But you didn't have to, really. I already endured a scratch from this thing, and I was perfectly fine from that." 

 "I know, I know, but it's better to put something on it." Player says, managing to shove the Medkit back into his pocket. "That's what Cashier tells me when I get injured anyway."


 "Oh right!" Player turned to the store. "I gotta introduce you to him!"

  "...Before that, actually, you need that scratch bandaged up too?" 

 "Sur- UH, NO no, no, I'm fine. It's healed now anyway." Why'd you do that? You questioned yourself for a second. 

 "Aaalright then." Player slightly raised an eyebrow at your reaction, but still decided to continue with a smile. You knew he thought that was odd. "Let's get going!"

 "..Uh, alright. But is my cat allowed in?" You pointed to [Cat], who's sitting right beside you.

 "I dunno, but let's go find you a snack!" Player says, gently grabbing your bandaged hand and leading you into the store.

Late in the 4am hour [Player x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now