Forget me Not (MinChan/HyunHo) Pt.2

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~ A/N : comments are highly appreciated ~


When he woke up, Minho's head was pounding and his eyes were stinging. With difficulty, he opened his eyes, frowning deeply when he realised he wasn't in his bedroom. Ah, yes. He remembered now... He had been in his headspace yesterday... All day... Damn, he must have been incredibly stressed to slip so easily and for such a long time.

Minho pushed the blankets away, intending on getting up, but he was suddenly pulled back by strong arms wrapped around his waist. He gasped and frowned yet again, tried to squirm his way out of the tight grip but to no avail. With an exasperated huff, he turned his head only to find himself face to face with his leader.

Well, today wasn't his lucky day. He didn't want to wake his hyung up, as for once, he was sleeping, but at the same time, Minho really really needed to get up, go to the bathroom, have a shower and eat. And he also needed to take care of his eyes and head, because there was no way he was going to manage through this day if he didn't take painkillers and apply something to his burning eyes.

"Hyung," he whispered. "Channie hyung!"

The only reply he got was a grunt and the arms around him tightening. Minho went limp into the hug, defeated, and started thinking quickly. The minutes went by, and the more minutes passed, the more Minho realised he really needed to pee. It made him wonder if Chan had remembered to take him to the bathroom last night before going to bed, because right now, it felt like his bladder was about to explode.

Minho squirmed some more and whimpered, unable to stop himself from doing so, tears brimming his eyes. He barely ever cried, but his need to pee was so strong, the pressure on his bladder too strong, holding everything in was so painful, that he couldn't stop his tears from falling, along with the harsh tremble that seized his body, his blood running cold in his veins, cheeks flushed and sweat beading on his forehead. If an accident was to happen, Minho would be absolutely mortified and humiliated, and he knew he'd slip, which he didn't want to do since they had a schedule today.

Minho was growing more and more desperate. He didn't have his phone so he couldn't call one of his members to come and help him. He didn't have a choice. He had to wake Chan up, there was no other solution.

"Chan hyung," he whimpered and sniffled. "Channie hyung wake up, please. Chan!" He finally cried out.

Chan jolted awake. "Minho? Are you-"

But he didn't get to finish his sentence. As soon as he loosened his grip around Minho, the latter bolted out of the bed and ran out of the room to the bathroom, bumping into Jisung on the way, and locked himself in. Jisung was left in shock in the corridor. And Chan was still sitting on the bed, blinking and mouth agape.

In the bathroom, Minho was washing his hands, his cheeks damp with tears, his hands still shaking, his cheeks flushed. He avoided looking in the mirror and splashed water on his face, sighing in delight at the cold feeling, and dried his face.

Soft knocks on the door caused him to jump. "Minho?"

Chan. Right, he must have been shocked when Minho ignored him and ran out of the bedroom... He sounded worried.

"I'll be right outside," Minho said.

He sighed and unlocked the door, finding himself right in front of a very worried Chan. "Are you okay?" The leader asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Minho shrugged. "I'm gonna go back to my dorm." He walked past Chan before turning around. "Uhm... thank you. For uh... taking care of me yesterday."

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