Ketan - A Criminal?

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Vishal's journal.......

She finally did it! It was so cool! The way she first provoked anna and then hypnotized him to break the hypnosis on him. After anna was "back to life" as he said, we came back home. I insisted on Aasha and Karthik to come to my home to meet my parents. Well, yes the real reason wasn't the same of course, I didn't want them to go even near to the Roys but Karthi; he refused and neither let Aasha listen too. He doesn't like me at all.

When I saw that Aasha was also not interested so I just kept an eye on her that she doesn't go back to the Roy mansion and I saw she wasn't. Rather she went to her clinic and sent Karthi away.

I had a very important meeting to attend today. Working at the GVMC is not a joke. Paras had already informed that he was working on it and will soon let me know of the advancements.

After spending the entire day at the office I returned at seven thirty instead of five, yes I had to work till late as I arrived late my attendance had not been perfect since I started office, once all this is sorted, I will have to make up to it. Paras was sitting quietly on the couch and was thinking deeply while he had the case files in his hands, he didn't seem to notice me. I freshened up and came outside to find him in the same position. I went and sat on the sofa facing him.

"You really got an interesting case for me Vishal."


"Yes, this is insane, there are so many puzzles that are linked to the case that you can't draw inference from studying just one point."

"Yes you're right. But what about that old man Ajay?"

We caught him after gathering all suitable proofs. Let me tell you some points I am sure about:
First- Except for Mrs. Roy all the other Roys survived that accident and I am sure that the accident was planned by them because they first burnt the faces of some dead bodies and put them in the car along with Mrs. Roy's body."

"Mrs. Roy's body? It means she was already dead?"

"Yes because she was strangeled to death."

"How do you know?"

"Autopsy report, there was an autopsy also done and again, police was shown fake reports."

"So shrewd."

"Indeed. They killed her and made it look like an accident."


"Secondly, Ketan wasn't single, he was married before his fake death to the daughter of the Mathur family but this was never disclosed to the world. Her name was Madhu and what Aasha told you was that Madhu is a maid and surprisingly that old man also said the same. That means, the old man is not aware of everything. This point would not have been important if Ajay knew it."

"Isn't it strange that he stayed in the same house but didn't know about it?"

"See their expertise in hiding.......
Thirdly, Ketan is a HYPNOTIST. He is known for the same."

"Yes; he was the one who hypnotized anna and maybe Amla too."

"Yes. And he was the one who killed Mrs. Roy as well as Amla."

"I knew it, Amla behaved the same as anna, as soon as I saw him I was reminded of her. I never knew she was hypnotized too. But then how did Aasha meet Mrs. Roy until last year?"

"Yes; this is the question. Aasha, I mean Aasha Roy is a character we all don't know about because she ran away from home when she was thirteen and was not seen after that. There was this strange lady who filed a case against Mrs. Roy and she was the one responsible for making her run away as well, we also don't know about her. Neither does Ajay know anything about her. So in conclusion we can say that Ketan faked his entire family's death and killed his own mother and Amla with the help of his wife and some servants. Yet one question remains."

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