Ketan and Madhu

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"I told you! I told you! I told you! But why would you listen to me!" Ketan shouted at Madhu as he was pacing in the room.

"Hadn't I told you Madhu, we should have hypnotized that doctor earlier itself, but both you and mom did not listen. She knows about it now and even that Vishal has returned; what are we going to do now? We have to take some action, or we are doomed!"

"Stop shouting Ketan! Whatever we said, was for our own good, for Sameer."

"Oh really! I know why you stopped me from doing that."

"And why would I posssibly do so?"

"Because.......Because....... you don't think as much as I do. Neither did mom think. You don't care about me neither about Sameer." Even he knew that he himself didn't believe in his words and he was saying this just because the plan didn't work out.

"Ketan, we did what we deemed fit. We had already told you that hypnotizing a doctor that has to treat Sameer is not a good idea as it may affect Sameer's treatment. So, technically we thought far more than you do! And we already know who cares for Sameer and who cares for himself!"

An already angry Ketan became uncontrollable as Madhu added fuel to the fire. "You stupid lady, you are questioning me? Do you even realise how dangerous now it will be for us to hide our truth. It's my brain who thought of hypnotizing that anna of hers so as to divert their attention so that we can think of something."

"I have already said and am again saying that this idea that you are boasting of is not acceptable. Specifically after knowing what can be it's side-effects. So I don't support your idea even now." said Madhu as if mocking at him yet she looked concerned.
On the other hand was Ketan who was red with anger and some fear too but Madhu is Madhu she couldn't stop her tongue, "You are a moron with super flop ideas."she ridiculed.

Ketan couldn't take it anymore, he wanted to hit her but could not, so he hit his hand hard on the table-top and shrieked, "I am a moron? You know what, yes I am a moron that I married you and am still bearing with you."

"Oh, you? You, have to bear with me? Mister; it's me, who is your maid in front of the world, I have to keep myself hidden from my parents, the world; even when I was never your supporter, I have sacrificed everything for your - your family and you are saying........disgusting!"

"Hey, you didn't marry me out of love or something okay, you did it only for money. And as for making you the maid then about that too you already knew, so don't try to prove that you are doing some favours on us."

Both of them were full of hate for each other. Madhu had married Ketan because she thought he was a wealthy man but Ketan never wanted to marry. When his mother forcefully made him do so, he kept a condition that their marriage would be hidden from the world. Madhu also agreed imagining to be the queen of the Roy mansion but the tables turned in a way that she ended up becoming a maid for the few who knew of the existence of the Roys. Even her father had thought that she died with the Roys, yet she respected mom and loved Sameer as a younger brother but today Ketan's words made her feel worthless.

"Yes Ketan I didn't do any favours on you. All I did was out of concern for the family. Whatever, I don't expect a person like you understanding it........ But what you did, is still not justifiable. You cannot let another crime being added to your already long list crimes."

"I didn't do any crime! Whatever I did each time was to save all of us. I am not a criminal."

"You are not; but the ease at which you take wrong steps nowadays is just taking you towards the same!"

At once, Ketan felt broken, a feeling of guilt slowly crept to his heart. He could recall all that has happened lately. He could not deny what Madhu was saying. The way his hands trembled when he first used hypnosis doesn't occur anymore, they didn't tremble yesterday when he hypnotized Charan  and he did it without even having least guilt. Was he really heading towards becoming a criminal? The very thought of it made him shiver. He was a magician, an entertainer, not a criminal.
He was on his knees, tears were rolling down his cheeks, he couldn't help it, when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Madhu sat beside him and said, "Look, the past is gone but we cannot let it ruin our future as well. What you did seven years ago was just a reflex but you felt so guilty at a mistake and today you are taking such bold steps without even thinking of their consequences. I just want to say that it is not a good sign. You need to stay away from doing more crimes.  A mistake you did seven years ago already made you lose so much, you can't let that happen again. Yes, we need to stop the doctor from discovering the truth but can't do more crimes."

"You are right. This shouldn't happen again."

She stood up and helped him stand too. She was about to go when Ketan said in a very low voice, "Madhu.....I.....m....sorry."

"What did you say just now? Sorry, I could not hear it." She said with a mischievous smile at his sudden change of mind.


"I couldn't hear. Again please."

"Sorry" Ketan had hardly ever apologised to anyone.

"You know one must apologise in the same note as he shouts at someone!" She was smiling again with the same mischief in her eyes.

"I said I am sorry! You should get your ears checked!" Ketan literally shouted now.

"Oh! Now I could finally hear it. It was so satisfactory to hear. No problem Mr. Roy I forgive you. Ater all I have a 'huge' heart." And she went out of the room laughing.

Within no time she returned and said, "Let's not think of the doctor for some days, better forget her for sometime. She is also going to be busy with her anna for sometime. What we just need to take care of is Sameer and that, that Charan doesn't harm himself."

Ketan nodded, when Madhu left, he thought of everything that happened just now. It did not take him much time to realise that the only support left in his life is Madhu, she always has given him the best advice and been with him. He realized something else too - he needed a break from life.

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