Let's talk

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Karthik's diary...

Aasha behaved really weird today. First of all she was so emotionless while taking out the glass pieces from Sameer's wounds that it nearly made me stare in disbelief.

When Ketan asked. "Any medicines?"

She bluntly replied "No; just spend as much time you can with him. He won't be able to live long."

"Wh..... What are you saying doctor..... this..... it's...... I...." was the only thing he could blurt out from his mouth.

"This is the truth Mr. Ketan. Now we'll get going. Take care of him and give him whatever he wants. He is too broken to bear any more." But her voice broke. She wasn't that but she behaved so and then she stormed out of the mansion, I ran after her I really wanted to talk to her about this behaviour. Yes, I agree I didn't even want her to go and treat him but I didn't know he was so serious.

I was about to shout but she was already in the car with her head on the window and she faintly whispered, "I'm tired..... too tired."
So I decided not to disturb her; besides, I looked at the time, it was already 4:10 a.m. we just need to reach home and sleep.

I woke late, after all I slept at 4:20 a.m. When I went outside, no one was there. I went to Aasha's room but she was not there, Mrs. Shankar was also not visible. On the dining table was a note
'Aasha already went to the clinic, food is right there in the kitchen. Heat it and have it. I'll be back till twelve.'

I went to the kitchen when I heard someone unlock the main door. Mrs. Shankar was back. But she said no she would be back till twelve.... oh no.... I looked at the clock it was 11:30.

"Hey son, what are you doing in the kitchen. No... don't say you woke up right now. I knew it."

"No comments." I said raising my arms. Then I heated the breakfast and took it to the dining table.

While eating I was interrupted by her, she said, "What's going on with Aasha? Yesterday you both arrived late but she still rose so early. Even earlier than normal days. What's wrong?"

"At what time did she go?"

"She went as usual at eight but she was awake at five itself while you both returned at 4:30 no?"

"What? Then she must not have even slept. What is going on in her mind?"

"You should find it out dear."

"Yup. Okay bye aunty!" She was surprised but it took no time for her to understand and I ran quickly to my room.
She had taken her car.....well obviously she would not leave her car for me. So I took my bike and immediately went to her office.

There was a flood of customers...... sorry patients. Now I know why she was so tired; she really needs an assistant. Breaking the queue I was about to barge in but two men stopped me, "We are not fools that we are waiting for such a long time."

"I am really sorry, but I am her friend and there's an emergency."

"What makes you think that we will trust you?"

"He was here earlier too. He is her friend." A lady maybe in her forties spoke in between. They loosened the grip in my collar and I was glad.

"May I go in now?" Hah! Sarcasm is my favourite as I saw the look of defeat on the faces of the two men. There was something I understood today, Aasha didn't treat any maniacs or serial killers, most of her patients were suffering from depression or mental anxiety. They were too weak to harm anyone, with some exceptions of course.

Through the window of the soundproof room I saw a lady in there talking to her. Maybe Aasha was counseling her but the look on her own face was ghastly. I knew she was not well.

I rung the bell beside the door and within five minutes the lady came out, I greeted her and went in.

"Yes, Mr. Prasad please come in......." she turned her head and saw me, "Karthi? What are you doing here?" She glared at me with a confused look.

I didn't answer her but just said"Let's talk." Tears filled her eyes. I went and sat beside her.

"See Aasha, I know I am irritating but unfortunately I am the only choice you have now, even that beady-eyed man cannot help you, I 'm telling you."

"Of course, you are the only storage box I have." She tried smiling but again she was filled with cries.

"What happened buddy, just tell me."

"He is dying.... he will die just like Aashu did. I won't be able to save him." This time her cries were echoing the entire room, I tried making her silent, she was very strong I knew it. After having some water, she was a bit better. Someone entered the room, it was the same lady with other people behind her glancing Aasha with concern.

"We heard her crying so we came in to check..... but I don't think she should work today, we'll leave." Everyone agreed to her and went away. The lady is so sensible that I can't believe she is a patient here.

Aasha looked embarrassed, she didn't like to show her weaknesses to people.

"It's alright but what reminded you of Aashu all of a sudden?"

"Sameer, he is dying the same way as Aashu did. I became psychiatrist to save another Ashu from dying but..... but I seem to fail Karthi.... I seem to fail....."

Hey Maa! Help me I can't see her breaking down like this.

(As for Aashu? Aashu is..... I mean was Aasha's elder brother. Aashutosh Goyel, the most famous student of the VSH, best at everything, sports, academics, dancing, painting and was world's best brother. Not only to Aasha but to me too. I remember how he and I would team up and tease Aasha when she went running to her mom Sharda aunty.
I was an orphan when dad adopted me. I didn't know family because he wanted me only because he felt pity towards me but it was his friend Naresh uncle who gave me family, aunty, Aashutosh, Aasha and himself. I would spend most of the time with them. But I feel I am too unlucky to be happy. When me and Aasha were still in school, we saw Aashu slowly disintegrating, his behaviour changed and one day he cut his wrist, in front of aunty. Me, dad, uncle and Aasha were out for shopping, and we returned to see this sight in front of us. Aashu was dead and aunty got a cardiac arrest. After three weeks in the hospital, she also left. This is when Aasha's goal in life became saving people from what we say 'madness'.)

What else can I say. It took years for all of us to recover and today I can see the same feeling coming back to her.

"Shhh..... it's alright. You will save him I know. I believe you can."

"No! I can't. I saw it yesterday, I knew it had to happen. You know what Sameer was just like Aashu, I saw the same spirit within him when he was fine. I know he..... he... can't live anymore."

"You know what, death is the ultimate truth. No one can stop it. What we can do is try our best and I saw you doing the same yesterday. You risked your own safety by going there yesterday. Moreover, if Sameer dies, he will be free from all the pain he is enduring right now."

She seemed to understand and was calmer.

"So shall we go to home and have lunch, it's one already and I don't think your patients would come."

"Hmm.... let's go."

Finally, there was colour returning on her cheeks. After lunch she slept soundly for two hours. Now I know why she behaved in that manner in the Roy mansion and also how difficult it was for her to control her emotions and the memories of losing her brother as she saw Sameer. As I said she doesn't like showing her weaker side to people and on top of that these were not the people one could trust. This behavior was just to cover her emotions.

Mrs. Shankar woke her up with tea. She looked much better than what she was in the morning.

As for Sameer, I hope the best for him.

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