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"alright, would that be all for tonight?" el politely asked, fidgeting with the paper placed on her notepad.

the gentleman sighed, taking one final look at his menu, "y-yes, i think that's it for now. thank you so much."

el shot him a bright smile, the tiny freckles on her face glistening in the restaurant light. she walked away, shoving her filled notepad in her apron's front pocket.

she hurried to the kitchen, the sweet aroma of fresh and warm food lingering in the air. waiters and waitresses scurried throughout the kitchen's halls, steadily carrying freshly-cooked food items that were placed on tiny serving trays.

el smoothly shifted through all of the busy workers, attempting to get a chef's attention so they could cook her customer's order.

el took a deep breath, tucking the two strands of hair behind her ears, "god, why are we so busy today?"

"i don't know, maybe because it's valentine's day?" steve sarcastically snickered, placing down his serving tray on the kitchen's messy counter.

"y-yeah, i guess.. any special plans for today? el curiously questioned, secretly wishing she could've spent time with her best friend. who was actually her crush.

her crush happened to be mike, her best friend. mike and el had been best friends ever since the sixth grade. now they were juniors in high school. they both carried strong feelings for each other, but were just always too scared to ever admit it.

steve groaned, "well, i was planning on hanging out with this one girl i met at the mall, but i had to cancel on her because my douchebag dad ordered me to come to work instead of hanging out with her! it's crazy, right?" steve exclaimed out of frustration, throwing his hands into the air.

el lightly chuckled at his comment, playfully rolling her eyes.

"relationships never work out for me these days." steve scoffed, brushing his luscious hair out of his face.

"a-at least you've been in a relationship, i'm still w-waiting for someone to ask me out." el pouted, a sad expression becoming evident on her face.

steve eyed the petite girl with a smirk, sending her a wink as well. she glared at him, embarrassment and confusion written all over her face.

"why are you winking, steve?"

"you're talking about mike, aren't you?" he softly spoke, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

el's eyes widened, "what? no! o-of course n-not.." she mumbled, blush appearing on her rosy cheeks.

steve grinned, playfully nodding his head, "yeah, sure."

"i'm not talking about mike! i-i don't even l-like him!" she lied, her wrists clenched to her side.

steve shrugged, "whatever you say."

el rolled her eyes before exiting the kitchen, her notepad in hand. "asshole." she coldly stated, attempting to sound confident. however, el was far from confident on the inside. she felt butterflies chorus through her stomach. she tried to deny it, but she really liked mike. but he was never gonna ask out someone like her, right?

el stomped out of the kitchen, the elegant bliss of music filling her ears. she took a deep breath, tucking two strands of hair behind her ears before approaching a new table.

el held up her notepad, clicking her blue pen that was positioned in her right hand, "hello, welcome to enzo's! can i get anything start- mike?"

he looked up from his menu, locking eyes with the girl in front of him. a tint of pink appeared on his cheeks as he gazed into her chocolate brown eyes. next to him sat will and dustin, max and lucas seated on the other side of their booth.

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