Chapter 3

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"Well this is chapter 3 so I will make chapter 3 continue with chapter 2 that I released maybe this chapter will be a little long because I want to make the OC get other powers and I'm too lazy to delay his story line HAHAH"so let's continue

(Y/N) and hisfriends gathered in a room of the palace and the palace butler served them tea and Ishtar Lambord explained why they were all called to another world for a reason.

(Y/N) and hisfriends gathered in a room of the palace and the palace butler served them tea and Ishtar Lambord explained why they were all called to another world for a reason

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Kouki:So you mean your God is EHT-sama.....summoned our's to this world....

Ishtar:Yes...exactly young man.....

Shizuku:Umm....I have the question....

Ishtar:Yes,what is it?

Shizuku:What is the purpose of bringing us here?

Ishtar:To save us....from such a terrible fate....

Ishtar:So that's why EHT-sama brought you to this world

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Ishtar:So that's why EHT-sama brought you to this world....

(Y/N):*thought*What the heck this old man told us.....I can't understand about his said...

Hajime:*whisper to (Y/N)*are you understand this old man said.....


While Hajime and (Y/N) were whispering. Suddenly

Aiko:This is horrible joke...If you have this permission of this...If not I'll sue you are kidnapping us.....


Eri:Fight on Ai-chan sensei...

Ryou:Yeahh!screw this shitty prank program....

Aiko:Now....send us back to the school at once....

(Y/N):*minds*Huh why I get involved in this situation....give back my peaceful time....

Ishtar:Then,join me outside while we shall take the breather...

After they left the room. They walked in the palace hallway.And then Kouki ask to Ishtar.

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