Chapter 17: Liam Find The Rouge Leader

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Liam Point Of View
I got ready for bed knowing that I couldn't find the Rouge Leader on no rest, I told Alexis that she wouldn't be starting school until we find Emma and Madison, Alexis said that was fine that she couldn't focuse on school right now. I went to bed hoping that Emma would be found soon.

Emma Point Of View
I change Madison and then fed her, I burp her and look in her diaper bag for a new outfit, I found her a tang to onesie and sat on the bed with her. I trun on the tv and saw that Tina turn herself in and I couldn't believe that she did that. I turn on teen mom and was watching it when people started to carried stuff in and I didn't know what was going on Noah came in and assure me that this stuff was Madison and I, the people set up the crib and changing table before they left. "Emma are you ok," yes just missing Liam and Alexis," who is Alexis," my other daugther," ok I didn't know that," kind of figure that you didn't know that," you can put this stuff in the dresser and closet," ok when can I contact Liam and Alexis," I'll let you know," ok," if you need anything tell my men and they will get me," ok."
I got the stuff put away when Madison start to cry so I stop and went and pick her up, I change her and then made her a bottle so I sat down on the couch and fed her, I burp her and gave her toy and went back to put stuff away. I wish that Liam and Alexis were here, I miss them, I wonder if there men still outside the window so I peek out and they were still there, I wonder if there was away that I could get Noah phone. I look it Madison play pen and she was sleeping so I took her out and put her in the crib, I got stuff and got a shower and decide that I would just dress in pajamas. I went and sat on the bed on turn on the tv so I turn on teen mom to watch but much must have fell asleep.

Liam Point Of View
I just woke up and got shower, I went to my office and sat down, my phone start to ring so I answer it and it was the Rouge Leader. he told me to meet him at the local restaurant. I got off the phone and Drake and Eli came in, I told them I need them to come and stand watch at the local restaurant with the warrior to, they ask me why and I told them it was the Rouge Leader that I wanted to meet, and they said that they would come in as soon as I gave them the sign to come in. They left to get ready and I got up and got ready to leave, I got out to the car and Eli and a couple warriors rode with me while the rest rode with Drake.Mason call and ask for update on Emma and Madison and I told him that I was meeting the Rouge Leader and he told me to becareful and to let him know what happen when I got out of there and I said that I would call and let him know.

Noah Point Of View
I got out of my pack office and told Shawn to watch Emma and Madison and if anything happen to call him and Shawn said he would. I went up to our room and Emma was sleeping so I went over and gave her a kiss on the forehead and I woke her up and I told her I was going out and ask if she whta she wanted to eat and she told me tacos, I told her I would get her some I would be back in alittle while. I got into my truck and left with a couple of my warrior behind me so if I was to ran into trouble I would have back up. I got there noticed that Liam was there with about eight men which I ddin't have that many men but I'm sure it wouldn't come to a fight. I went into the restaurant and Liam follow right behind me. We sat down at the table and the waitress ask what we want to drink, I told her I want a coke and Liam want a pepsi, the waitress said she would be right back, the waitress came back and gave us our drinks and then ask what we want to eat, I told her I want the four taco and chip and salsa, I also told her that I would want another order of that to go along with a taco salad with extra salsa and sour cream and she said ok, Liam got five taco and chip and salsa, the waitress left and we sat in silent until she got back with our food. "Liam I want you to know Madison and Emma are just fine," how do I know that you are telling the truth," I'm willing to take you to my house to let you see her," ok," have you spoken to Emma family," yes Mason," what have he told you," he told me that her parents didn't want her because she was going to be powerful, and that she would have to mate," ok," how do you know if Emma your mate," I can feel the sparks and when I look at her she just speical and I just want to protect her," ok how are we going to combine our pack," I'm not quite sure, with your and Emma pack I don't think they will be happy to my pack," don't worried about that."
Noah had the waitress put the other food order is on, while we wait I paid there food bill, we left the restuarant and I told Laim to just follow me. Liam and his men got into his car and follow me to my lands, I knew that Emma would be happy to see Liam. I just want Emma to give me a chance at being her mate to. Noah got to the house and he told his beta to tell his men to back down amd his Beta said it was already done. We got into the house I told Liam to wait in the living room and he had his men stand on the side and I went up to our room and Emma was wrap up in the bed with Madison watching Tangle and I walk up to her and sat down." Emma how are you doing," I'm doing good feeling whole like I'm back to being feeling happy," that good I have suprise for you do you want to eat or do you want to see the suprise," the suprise, can you grab Madison please," yes."

I'm going to try to put another chapter up today, I'm sorry for not updating sooner I was helping a family friend move, let me know how you like the story, have a awsome weekend.


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