Chapter 12: Emma Missing Part One

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  From last chapter
    Dear Tony,
I'm sorry for leaving but I can't not get caught since you don't agree with me about Emma and I'll find a way with out you now since we are throug I should tell you that you were never my true mate which you had to know but you were to blind to see that I was just using you to stay alive and to get money but that was mistake staying with you but can't undo the past can we, you are a coward for turning yourself in, I never got to tell you that I did get in contact with the Rouge Leader but you turn yourself in before I could tell you. I know when you didn't return and I saw the Agents and police at Taco Bell that you trun yourself in, good luck of the Agents finding me because you won't, Tony I did want you to stay by myside but Emma have to ruin everything but she will find out soon enough, I just wait until the time is right to stike.
Tiny Brown

      The Agents knew that they had to talk to the reports and get Tina picture out there before she got a hold of Emma, is she get a hold of Emma she will be killed.The new reporters were waiting for them. They put Tina picture out there and told anyone who see Tina to call the FBI hotline and report it. They got back to the office and they got a call saying that Tony been kill and that they don't who or what happen, they knew that it was because he told them what happen now they had to call Emma and let her know what happen, right now they felt so lost that they wasn't quite sure where to turn to next.

     Emma just got off the phone with Ryan and she knew when Liam found this out that their trip would be post pone now thank to Tina, Liam just came into the room and she let him know what was happing and he was quiet for a while and he got up and hug her and said that they would have to post pone their trip and she said she know. Liam walk off and went to his office and told his Beta that their trip were being post pone and to have more guards around Emma and Drake said ok. Emma walk back to the living room and turn on the tv and the first thing she saw was the news.

   This is Alexis reporting the kiddnaping of Emma Longview just three hour ago Tony Brown turn hisself in, the FBI Agents went to get Tina Brown and she wasn't there, she was long gone by the time they got there so if any one see Tina Brown call the hotine at 1-800-4564, Tina is 5'6 tall, weight about 120, brown long hair and brown eyes she is in her late 30 to early 40, don't appoach her if you see her, she is dangerous to the public, we just heard that Tony Brown had just been killed but have no update on that yet if you guys know anything please call the hotline, Tina is good at hiding in the shadows so keep a close eye on your children.

    Emma know that Tina was good at hiding in the shadow that something she already know that. Emma just turn off the tv when Liam came into the living room and sat back Emma and he knew that Tony was dead and know that there was a chance that Emma would be upset right now. Liam carried Emma to bed as she fell asleep watching a movie and he knew that she was exhausted from what been going on, Liam went back downstairs and clean up there mess from the movie, he just got done when there was a knock on the door so he went and answer the door and Mason stood their with his family. Liam open the door and let them in, and they all went to the livingroom and sat down. " Liam what all happen since I left, Agent Anna got a hold me and gave me a bief update on what going on but wouldn't tell me everything," do you want me to get your room ready so your family can get some rest," yes and then we will talk," ok sound good, I'll be up in my office working on paper work that I need to get done," ok."

    Liam was in his office half way through the paper work when Mason knock and Liam told him to come in and have a seat that they would talk after he got done with the paper work and Mason said it was no rush. Liam just finish the last of the paper work and put it in the file cabinet and went and sat back down. Mason knew that they couldn't come and visit them because of Tina and Tony so Grace ask why not go down there visit. "Mason I'm sorry we couldn't come and visit," I understand why you couldn't come and visit, how is Emma doing with all of this," she doing ok haven't talk much since she found that Tony turn himself in and now that Tina is out waiting to grab Emma so we we can't leave the area until she is capture or found dead," I hope that she is caught alive," so do I right now since she is the only one that can give Emma the answer that she need," why they have Tony in jail," they did," what do you mean they did," someone killed Tony in jail," do they know who kill him," no they have no idea," ok let get some rest," sound good."
   Liam got up to their room and Emma wasn't in bed where he had put her and now her guards weren't there, he went to the bathroom and she wasn't there, so he he search the whole house and she wasn't there, he knock on Mason door and he came out and ask what was wrong, and he said Emma wasn't in the house and thought Emma could be in their room, Liam went into his office with Mason follow right behind him. Liam pick up the phone and call Agent Ryan and Anna and ask if they still had Agent watching the house and they had no one watching the house because of an called that need everyone. Liam knew that Tina had Emma now, he told them that Tina or someone else had kidnapped Emma again, they said they would be right there. Mason knew that they had a short amount of time to find Emma and knew that he called their parents before the Agents did.

                   I'll update as soon as I can, I'll try to update this weekend hope you enjoy your story, enjoy your week


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