Chapter 3:Liam and My Parents

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   We got back to the pack house and a lot of people was waiting on us and  know what color my wolf was guess there no hiding that like my parents plan to, I know why they wanted to hide my wolf color but at the same time they hid that they were wolf because they didn't want to alert their old pack. We got to the Alpha office and all sat down, I went to go and sit in the by the window by myself but the Alpha from the Midnight pack sat me by him. I knew from my parents and books that you obey the Alpha and do what they say. My parents tried to get me away from the Alpha but he had his Beta get in the middle of it, so my parents tired too talk to me."Emma you need to get away from him now," dad you know I can't do that, I'm not going to get in trouble," I don't care you need to come with us," no if there one thing I learn from both of you is not to run from your mate and not to mention it can kill your wolf by abandoning them," you will be better off without him trust us," that the thing dad it I know that I can't trust you," let the Alphas talk so we can we get out of the Alpha office."                                                                                               
      I could tell my wolf was itching to get out but I know I had to control my wolf so my parents didn't get hurt. The Alpha began to talk which I knew that would happen but couldn't really talk because of my parents and I could tell that they were getting fed up with them. The Alpha of the Midnight pack ask if the Alpha to take my parents out of his office for a hour so he could talk to me which the Alpha had no problem doing since they wouldn't quiet. They left the office and he could tell that I was nervous. "Emma I'm not going to harm you, my name is Liam," I know your not going to harm me,' then why are you nervous for," this is the second time that I have talk back to him, and the first time I talk back to him didn't end well for me," you have nothing to fear as he can not hurt you," what do you mean by that," you said you read book about wolfs," yes I have," then you know that if someone tired to hurt a mate specially a Alpha mate is ask for death," I know it just that I learn you obey your parents and some reason they don't like that I'm going to be mated to you," that not their choice, are you going to reject me," no I have no intention of rejecting you," then don't worried about what they think," if I don't I'm going to be out living in the street," you wouldn't have to," what do  you mean," it mean that I have to get back to my pack in the morning and was hoping you are going to come with me," if there one thing I learn from books and my parents is that when you are mated to a Alpha you pretty much don't have a choice as seeing the Alpha are very possessive over their mate," that is true but our wolf don't like seeing their mate upset with them so in the end if you want to stay you could," I know but in the end I don't want to lose you and I don't have very many friend at all so it will be an easy move, where is your pack," our pack is located in Dawson city, it located in Canada," ok do I have time to pack," yes we can go to your house right now but if you didn't wanted to take nothing we can buy you all new items," I can pack my items," we need to get going," ok, I have a quick question," ok," do you have a girlfriend," no we broke up when we were in high school, she not going to cause you  any problem," ok did she find her mate," yes she did," ok," I have a question for you," ok," do you have a boyfriend," no never did," ok we will talk about the rest later,"  ok."                                                                                                                                                                                         
     We let the Alpha know we were done with his office and that we were headed back to my house and the Alpha let us know that my parents went home, before we left Liam let the Alpha know that I would be moving in with Liam and joining his pack seeing I was his mate and that I was going to be Luna of the Midnight pack and he said that was ok as I was really never in the his pack because of my parents and that he would have my file for him when we got back here. We drove to my house and I was nervous going in and Liam grab my hand and told me that everything would be ok. We got to the front door and I went in first and Liam follow right behind me. My parents were sitting on the couch waiting for us to come in, I told Liam that my door was on the right to come after talking to my parents and he said ok." Alpha Liam my daughter is going no where with you," you don't have a choice in the matter," we do we are her parents and she is only 17," that don't matter in the wolves community," we are moving and our daughter is coming with us after her wolfs dies she will be fine," she is not going with you seeing as that she agree to be my mate and you guys should know what happens when you tried to take a Alpha mate away," we do and we will find away to get Emma back."                                                                                 Liam didn't waste another word on Emma parents seeing how they though that they were in the right when they wasn't. Liam know that they were hiding more from Emma and would find out what they were hiding from her.

  I'll try to update soon have a good week





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