Chapter 8:FBI And My Birth Parents Part One

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   Recap from last chapter                                                                                                                                                               
    Liam what is wrong," nothing is wrong, Mason got a hold of your parents," ok what is going to happen," Mason left to go and meet them at the airport, they will be in the morning," ok did they get a hold of the FBI," yes," ok are they going to show up to," yes," when will they be here," they will be here a hour before your parents," ok, we should get to bed," it going to be a long day tomorrow," I know," if you need a break let me know and I get you back to our room," ok." I couldn't help but think what all tomorrow is going to bring me, I'm nervous of what going to happen but have to keep positive thought that they never give up hope on finding me which me me happy just don't know how to feel about the whole situation but everything will work out.

                I woke up before Liam did so I decide that I would make breakfast for us before we have to meet everyone today. I was half-way through making breakfast when Mason came down from his room and sat on the chair." Emma how are you doing," I'm doing ok, just nervous about meeting mom and dad," why are you nervous," what if I'm not good enough for them and they made a mistake by looking and keeping their hopes up," they aren't going to think that, and them looking for you isn't a mistake they will even tell you that," how are you so sure, are you glad that you found me," yes, I know they will to, they cried when I told them that I found you and can't wait for you to be in our life," ok I have a question for you," you can ask anything," what is our parents like," dad is tough on his people and loyal to those who he care about, I'm like him and mom is kind and always like to help people out where she can even if it the smallest thing that they need, you are a lot like mom is," ok I have another question do you have a family," yes, I found my mate two year ago searching for you," what is her name and do you guys have any kids," her name is Grace and we have two kids, twin girls names are Ruby and Jade," so I'm an aunt," yes you are, " how old are they," Ruby and Jade are 2 year old," so I miss out on their first birthday," yes but we have a photo album made for you and they know of you, we made sure to tell them they have aunt that love them and want the best for them," I can't wait to meet everyone," I know they can't either." We just got done talking when Liam came over and gave me a hug and a kiss and told us that the FBI was here waiting in his office, I told him to bring them down that I made enough breakfast for everyone and then we would all talk. We all sat down to eat when the FBI told us their names," my name is Anna and this is Ryan," nice to meet you," I know this is going to be a bit hard for us to be here after finding out the truth about what you found out," it is but learning to take it day by day," we understand some people have a hard time with finding out the truth,"  I agree but you have to get by or it will drive you crazy," that we agree on."  We got done eating and Liam took us to his office and told me if I need him to call him and he would come back, he had to pick up my parents from the airport as Mason stay with me, we all sat down and Mason had my guards stay outside the room to make sure no one came in the only one that were allow to come in were Liam and our parents. 

           "Emma when did you find out that you were kidnapped," I found out about  it two days ago, we just did a DNA test to see if we are related and got the result back yesterday," ok when did you last seen Tina and Tony," three days ago when they arrived with Mason," ok, Mason when did they come to you and what did they want," Tina and Tony came about two week ago to my door step wanting me to help get their daughter back from Liam," why did they want your help for," I'm the local private detective that help with kidnapping," since when," since I was 21," ok so you came here with them for," at first it was to help them rescue Emma from Liam," did you notified the local cops," no since there was no police report I didn't," ok what happen  when you discovered that she left on her on free will and when did you realized that she was your sister," I discovered that she left after seeing how to reacted to them being here and I discovered when I actually look at her that she was my sister," did you step in to help to protect her," yes I'm not going to have them take her and sell her to some guy for marriage," wait you telling us that they have a guy line up to married Emma," yes they sold her for money," do you know this when you help them to rescue Emma," no I didn't know that they sold her," ok Emma I know this difficult to say what all happen while you were with them but can you tell us about your time with them," yes, they home school me so I couldn't be around people my age or people at all, I tired ask once why I couldn't go to regular school and the hit me serval time that when I quit asking them, they came into my room four weeks ago and said we had to meet the local chief that was in charge of the area and to meet other people that was apart of the community and that when I meet Liam into a week we start to date which they didn't like since I'm to the age where I can move out and start a life of  my own they didn't like that and said that I couldn't and when Liam ask to to move with him I said yes which they didn't like very much and I knew that they would try to come and take me again it was just a matter of time before they tried something again," ok do you know if they are still in the area," I want to say no but they aren't going to leave without me," so you think that they will be back," yes without a doubt that they will be back it just a matter of time," ok we will keep a eye out for them, we have to get back to our hotel for a video meeting to update our boss and we have the local cops and some of our men in the area where they will not know that they are cop or agents," ok." They left and I told Mason that I need a moment to myself before I met our parents and he said he would be right outside that he would knock when they got here.

     I took a deep breath and hope that this would go good and that they will not be disappoint of finding me. I Heard a knock on the door so I told whoever it was to come in, Liam came in and gave me a hug and a kiss and told that Mason was talking to our parents before they came in, we sat and  Liam work on pack stuff until we heard another knock that I knew it was Mason and my parent." Emma this is our parents this is, Elizabeth and this is Stefan," Hi Emma you can call us what you feel comfortable with," ok."

   I'll try to update on Monday if I am able to, hope you guys are enjoy the story, have a great weekend 






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