Chapter 16" Rouge Leader Kidnapped Emma

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                                                                   Emma got up out of bed because Madison was crying, I change her diaper and then took her to the kitchen and made her a bottle when it got done she took Madison to the livingroom before she sat down, she turn the tv on and decide to watch ink master while she fed Madison, Madison was done eating she burp her and rock her back to sleep. I decide that I would hold Madison for awhile before I put her back to bed. I was half-way through the episode of ink master when I heard a noise at the front door, I had put Madison in the playpen so if something were to happen she wouldn't be harm, I cover Madison up with her pink blanket, I wen to the door and didn't see no one out there and before I could react I black out.

         Noah Point Of View
              I put the cloth around Emma mouth and she past out, I grab her and noticed the baby so I had my Beta Shawn grab the baby, I told him to stay with Emma and the baby in the car. I went to the kitchen to grab the baby formula, and bottles, I decide that I would have my worker grab baby clothes and to get Emma clothes and other stuff that they would need. I got out the car, I decide that I would leave the livingroom as I found it. I got to our house and put Emma in the bed and had a maid set up a playpen and set Madison in, I noticed Emma neck and I know that I was screw but if they didn't complete the mating I could mark over Liam mark. I decide to call the doctor and have her check Emma out, I gave her a shot of a sedative and the doctor came in, she check her out and then we went out to the living room and sat down,"Noah what were you hoping for with Emma," I'm hoping that I can make Emma my mate," that might not be possible," why," Liam mark Emma and they did mate," so there nothing I can do," no do you feel like you want to harm her," no I want to make sure she is safe,' let me do some research and I'll get back to you," do you know how long it will to do the research," it shouldn't take more than two to three days," ok thank you Leah," your welcome." I went up to our room and went over to the cot that I had set up and laid down, knowing I would have a lot to deal with when Emma woke up.

       Liam Point Of View
          I woke up and notcied that Emma never came back to bed after feeding and changing Madison, I got up and dress and went to Alexis room and knock and she told me to come in." Alexis have you seen Emma at all," no and I have heard Madison cry at all," ok can you help me search for them," yes let me get dress and I'll be right out," ok," Liam I'll search Madison room and you can search downstair," ok call if you find anything," ok sound good."
       They went their own and Liam got to the livingroom and saw that the tv was on but he could tell it been awhile that it been on, he look in the playpen and noticed that Madison blanket was gone, he went to go into the kitchen and noticed that the front door was open, he call for his Beta Eli and he came in running." Liam what do you need," I need you to get our best tracker and warrior to search for Emma and Madison and I need one of our best guard to watch and protect Alexis," ok we will get searching." I went up to Madison room and Alexis was sitting down and I knew something was wrong," Alexis I need you to go to your room and stay until I get back," the Rouge Leader Noah took them," I pretty such he did but we will get them back," I know but what happen if he her second mate," why do you say that," Tina was saying that Emma real parents said with her being powerful that she would have two mate, they didn't want her to make it until birth," I have to make a call to  Mason and I need you to stay in youe room so you are safe,"ok let me know what going on," I'll."
    I went to my office and sat down it would make since why I don't feel like she in pain but none unless I want my mate back, I pick up the phone and dial Mason number," Liam everything going ok," I afraid not," what going on," the Rouge Leader have Emma and Madison," ok who do you have looking for right now," my Beat Eli, my best tracker and my warrior," ok I'm going to send my Beta Drake and a couple of my warrior," ok thank you," I need to ask you something I just found out," ok go ahead," do you every remember your parents saying that they didn't want Emma to make it to birth," I push it aside," push what aside," when mom was seven month pregnant, they learn that Emma would be powerful and would have two mate that would love her unconditional and they didn't want their second girl to be powerful," do you know why," they weren't ready for a second child," so do you think if they would kept her that she would be alive," no they would have found a way to kill her and then make it look like the Rouge Leader kill her," then who really hired Tina and Tony," I'm not quite sure who but learning that Tina just wanted to protect Emma it was Tony that wanted Emma dead," ok how did you find that how," I just got s serect video of them talking," ok then why did Tony turn hisself in," he turn hisself in because Tina told the Rouge Leader the truth and Tony twisted it to make it look like Tina was the master mind behind all of this," ok how long will it be before Drake and a couple of your warrior get here," in a day in a half," ok thank you keep me update and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you guys about what my parents are like," it not your fault and you were a kid it understable that you would push it to side and not to think about," talk to you later."

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