Chapter Ten:Family Night

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Emma and Aria was playing when Mason came in and sat down next to, it was complete silent but it was nice. I know that I waasn't ready for them all to leave but they have their pack and kindgom to run which they could only be gone for a little bit of time. We were just sitting there when Liam came in and sat down and gave me a hug and a kiss, Mason and Liam start to talk hopeful that Mason don't bring up about us having kids. I told them That I was going to put Aria down for a nap and they said ok. "Liam did you and Emma complete the mating bond," not yet," when are you guys going to complete the mating bond," we haven't even talk about it yet with everything that been going on we just haven't talk," I understand it will come up after mom spoke to her," what do you mean," our mom ask when you guys were going to have children," oh that haven't came up either, do she want children," mom wouldn't tell me that," ok what time do you leave tonight," at nine I miss my mate and children," I understand are Grace and you going to have more children," yes but waiting on the children to be a little bit more older," do twins run in your or her family," it run in both, so if you guys do have children they could be twins," ok, Emma coming back," I know hopefuly she didn't hear us," hopefuly not."
       Emma came back down and she heard Mason say that twins run in the family but had a pretty good idea what they were talking about but she didn't quite want to bring up yet, she sat down by Liam and gave him a kiss on the cheek and he turn his head around and got a kiss on the lip which almost lead to a small make out, Mason said if they are going to get in on to go to their room, which made Emma turn red and hide her face into Liam neck. Emma parents came in and ask what was wrong and Mason said what happen and Elizabeth said to get to work on having children which made Emma turn even more red. The maid came in and said the chef and dinner made and it was on the table. Emma said she would go and get Aria up for dinner and they said ok. Emma can't believe her parents and Mason but glad that they were laughing and joking with her. They all got to the kitchen and sat down waiting for Emma and Aria to eat, Emma sat down Aria down in her highchair and then sat down by Liam.
We all went to the livingroom after we finishing eating supper and sat down Elizabeth took Aria up so she give ger a bath and put her to bed since they had to get up early to catch the flight.Elizabeth went back downstair to see that Emma, Mason and Liam was playing a board game, Elizabeth sat down next to Stefan and watch the kids play,"Mason when are you heading home," after this game, I need to get back to the pack and plus I miss my family," ok how long will it get for you to get home," 1 day," where is your pack locate," it locate in Anchorage Alaska," that sound like it would be neat to visit," Liam and you will have to come and visit so you can meet your sister in law and nieces," we will have to talk over the phone," I have to get my bags ready to leave," ok do you want Liam to drive you to the airport," yes that would be nice," I'm sorry that I have to leave so soon," I understand why we will have to facetime and text often," we will."
Mason went up to his guest bedroom and got his stuff ready so he could head home, Mason came down and gave his parents a hug and then gave Emma a hug and told her that he would miss her but glad that they were able to spend sometime together, Emma told him to let her know when he got home and he said he would let her know. Liam and Mason left not before Liam give Emma a hug and a kiss, she wan't ready for Mason to leave but understand why he need to get back home, she wonder if Liam would be ok to go next month so she could meet her sister in law and nieces.
"Emma are you ok," yes just wasn't quite ready for Mason to go," we understand that but maybe you will get to see him soon" I know that I'm got to see if Liam and I can go to Alaska next month," if not contact me," ok where do you guys live," New Orleans Lousiana," what time do you guys head out," we leave at 4 am," ok do you want Liam and I to take you guys to the airport," yes that way we have a little bit more time with you," that sound good how long will it take you to get home," two days," ok we better head off to bed," good night Emma," good night mom and dad."
They went to bed Emma just finish get change into her pj when Liam came in and told her that he was going to take a shower and then he would be coming to bed. Emma turn on the TV and decide to watch dateline until Liam came in, Liam came in and got into bed and pul Emma into his side and Emma just snuggle in and ask if it was ok if they took her sister and her parents to the airport and he said it was. Emma set the Alarm for 2 in the morning so she could make them something to eat for the trip home, Emma got up and got a shower and dress and went to the kitchen she made them gilled chicken sandwhich and homemade chips, she wrap the the food up and put in a lunch box so it would be cool, she just got done when Liam came down and said her parnets were almost ready to go and she said ok. They left for the airport and Emma gave them the food that she made and they gave Emma a hug and told them that they would let them know when they got home.Emma and Liam left and head home and Liam told her that he having his beta take a month to run the pack so the could visit her brother and then her parents and she was super happy that they could.

I'll update as soon as I can, let me know how you like the story, I hope you guys are enjoy the story, have a great weekend


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