28: yeah she hates us

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Chapter Twenty-Eight
yeah she hates us

Chapter Twenty-Eightyeah she hates us

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3rd person Pov

iris did what any worried girlfriend would do. she worried and she worried more then she ever had. she had watched her boyfriend pass out and she was scared but she had another thing to worry about. the wild horses had gone missing and ariel had too. iris had known about it but she put it in the back of her head until tryouts were over and now she was going to worry about it.

she knew that pin wanted to be alone and she knew that maybe that was what he needed. iris let him do what he needed to and she let him feel what he needed to. he was sick and she knew that and she let him have his space. she had to help the others look for the herd anyway , that was her main concern either way so there she sat with gaby, jade and becky as they all talked.

"the tags were dumped at tryouts so it could be someone at the grounds" jade stated and iris nodded her head in agreement with the girl.

"I still say we should be searching the castle" becky spoke

"whats the castle got to do with anything?" gaby asked

"the prophecy says, if the horses leave the island, the kingdom will fall. duh!" she said and iris laughed before gaby snapped

"becky. ariel is missing , scout is pining, this really is not the time for myths and legends" Gaby stated

"okay right so maybe we should just tell the police" jade stated and iris shook her head before she heard her sister

"no! anyone could be involved" she said and then they turned as they saw the mayor

"we could tell the mayor, she might be able to help" gaby tried

"that's weird, shes usually far too busy to drop her daughter off herself" becky spoke

"the mayor!" zoe said

"zoe are you sure about this?" jade said and they all got off of the hay bales and ran over as they hid behind a wall and listened to the mayor and heather

"did you guys see that? shes definitely hiding something" zoe stated

"zoe come on, we cant jump to conclusions" iris tried

"the mayor was at the grounds yesterday" gaby said

"but she was late" zoe finished for her

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