17:I need to be with Becky right now

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Chapter Seventeen
I need to be with Becky right now

Chapter SeventeenI need to be with Becky right now

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3rd Person POV

iris woke up to the smell of smoke and loud neighing as she heard yelling and she felt bullet nudge her. she lifted her head and she coughed as she tried to stand up but she couldn't. the smoke had been stuck in her lungs for too long and she couldn't do anything.

"HELP!" she tried to call and then she heard the others but she saw bob letting the others out of their stalls and she felt pride with him.

"wheres iris? iris?" someone called and she called out again

"help! please!" she yelled and she passed out. she didn't feel someone pick her up or cover her or bring her to a room.

when she woke up, she had a towel wrapped around her shoulders and she went to sit up but someone pushed her shoulder back and she looked around and saw Marcus staring at her with maggie and a doctor next to her

"how are you feeling?" Marcus asked and iris went to open her mouth but she couldn't speak so she just shrugged and maggie sighed

"we didn't know you stayed here, we thought you came home" maggie said and Marcus handed iris a bottle of water as she opened it and swallowed. the water cooling her throat that had felt like it was on fire with the stables.

"I fell asleep in bullets stall by accident, I'm sorry" she apologized and maggie shook her head as she leaned down and hugged her. iris hugged her back

"its okay, we're just glad you're safe" she retorted and iris heard the word. safe, safe she thought. bob

"is bob okay?" she asked and she watched everyone's eyes drift to the ground and iris felt the sadness drift over the room.

"I need to be with Becky right now," she said and she went to sit up but Marcus stopped her and she shook her head.

"my friend needs me, my throat hurts not my legs" she spoke in a groggy voice as she stood up with the blanket around her and she walked to the tent where becky was with bob. she opened the curtain and becky looked up at her

"you're okay" becky said and iris nodded as she walked over and sat down next to her as the nurse put the blanket on and she nodded

"ill be okay" she said and she walked over as she wrapped her arms around becky and they held each other close. iris felt tired and she leaned her head against becky as becky leaned against bob and they stayed together.

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