Ok so what do we do then.

We will go on like nothing and if it gets too bad then you get into body guard mode. Ok?


We hung up the phone we pulled in the parking lot. She wasn't even in the lot a second before they all headed her way. We parked next to each other and got out at the same time. I was headed towards her, but I didn't make it to her in time. I was trying to get to her, but these people were being crazy. They were shoving cameras and microphones in her face, asking all kinds of different questions. She looked terrified. I finally decided to personally remove these people out of my way. I kept picking up people and moving them out of my way. By the time I got to her I saw Edward pick her up and run off with her and Alice took her place. Jasper was right behind her so when I got up close to them, I stood in front of Alice so they couldn't get to her.

"Ms. Swan, can not answer any questions at this moment. We will let you know when she is ready to make a statement." Alice told the press. The kept trying to ask questions, but we walked away. Ok, so maybe I ran. I was worried about Bella, she didn't look so good up there.

"Bella, Bella" I yelled. I ran up to her and gave her one of my bear-like hugs. "I'm so sorry I didn't get there in time. I tried I really did. I finally had to just remove them out of my way myself." I said trying to catch my breath.

"Emmett, I'm fine really. If it wasn't for Edward, they would've eaten me alive." she smiled. I turned to Edward. He doesn't look so cocky now, I wonder what's up. I'll have to ask him or Jasper later.

"Hey thanks for rescuing my sister." I told him. I really did mean it too. I was glad that somebody was there to help her when I couldn't.

"No problem, well I'm going to class. See you in class, Bella." he said. He then did something that I TOTALLY didn't expect. He kissed her hand and left. I turned and looked at Bella with my eyebrows raised. She was blushing. What the world was that? I mean why is she blushing! I'm so confused!

"What was that all about?" I asked her. She just shook her head. I should have known that she was not going to answer me.

"I don't know, but I'm going to the bathroom. I'll see you in class." she said as she was getting ready to walk away. We could hear the paparazzi trying to get in. So I went into body guard mode and called the police, Cheif Swan.

Emmett Charlie

Chief Swan

Yeah, dad, we need your help at school

Why? What's wrong? Did those punks do something again.

No, it's nothing like that

Then what is it?

Well, it's about Bella

WHAT? What did those girls do to my little girl? I swear I'm going to ...

I told you dad its nothing like that, just come to the school and bring back up, lots of it

Huh? Why?

You'll see when you get here

Ok, we'll be there in a few

Ok, bye

I hung up the phone. I knew he would be worried after what happened in the past, but what else was I supposed to do? I looked at Bella and she looked like she was about to faint. She had slid down the wall, I guess to prevent herself from doing just that.

"Bella, are you alright." I asked her and she just nodded her head. Now I was getting really worried. She was getting paler the longer she sat here. This was beginning to get to be too much for her. This is the reason why she never went public, it was too over whelming. We dealt with it with Phil. He was a famous baseball player and we're his kids so the spot light was on us all the time. Right about that time Alice, Jasper, and Edward walked up. What was Edward doing here?

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