Chapter 24: Memory Loss

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Third Person Pov:

"If I knew you once, maybe from a mission together, i'm sorry for not recognizing you

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"If I knew you once, maybe from a mission together, i'm sorry for not recognizing you."
-Y/n Haru


The brown girl opens her eyes when being awoken by the same sun that awoke her the day before. She squints her eyes before blinking them a few times and looking around. Seeing herself in the same room as she awoken to the day before. Still, very confused as to why.

She remembers not much of the day before. Only really recalling what she thinks to be the key details of it. A beautiful woman with purple hair, that she accidently upset so much so that she did not see her for the rest of the day.

So her day was more or so uninteresting, aside from that weird occurrence. She mostly stared out the window to enjoy the beautiful garden scenery she seemed to be very unfamiliar with.

But in the end, her question remained unanswered which only confused her more. Where is her father, and better yet, where is her boyfriend? This lead to even more questions as she was left alone to her thoughts for so long.

Why is she in an unfamiliar room? Who was that purple haired woman? How did she upset her? What mission did she go on? How did she get hurt? And who are the people that woman named?

One name in particular, confused the brown girl more than anything. It seemed to feel oddly familiar, although, she had no memory of who the name belonged to. She often wondered if she said the name out loud, maybe a memory would reveal itself as an explanation. But she reasoned with how fairytale that sounded and decided otherwise.

Although still... that name sounded meaningful.  Wonder why.

Aside from her questions and confusion, there's more lava to fuel to that raging volcano. Her lack of physical movement.

The most she's been able to do, was wiggle a few fingers and move her eyes. But aside from such, she has not been capable of doing anything else. Just those took more strength then really necessary.

Why is that? Could this have to do with her supposided mission with... who again? Uzui... right?

In the end, all she got yesterday was more confusion, questions, and a bigger headache. All she really wanted to know was,

Where on earth is her father?

The brown girl stares at the ceiling as she patiently waits for the woman with dark roots, to come back. Or at least, she hopes the woman comes back so she can formally apologize.

What was her name? She never said it.

Her thoughts are cut short when she hears loud footsteps moving at a very fast paste towards the door. For only a second, she hoped it was the purple haired woman. But she knows better than to think that when the aura reflecting from the outside the door is incredibly different.

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