Chapter thirty eight

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We sat on the grass, watching the sunset, just Eren and I. I saw him out here alone just moments earlier, he looked depressed. I thought he could use the company.
"Armin once told me and the beyond the wall lies a great expense of water. He called it the sea. And I always wondered... What was beyond that?"

I propped the door to the small house open, just to let in some fresh air since it was getting warmer. I could hear a jean, Armin and Sasha returning. Jean
Ground, "and if I catch you trying to steal any more food Sasha, I'll have Captain Levi chop you into tiny bits. got it?" The three entered the house while Sasha protested,"who me? I would never! Probably." I saw Jean carrying a couple sacks, they look kind of heavy. I rushed over to help my boyfriend. "Hey give me some if those. Let me help." I reach to grab one of the sacks that were on Jeans shoulder. Jean pulled away from me," I don't need your help I got it," he protested. "but i-" I tried to argue when I was cut off by Erens yells. "Hey! Did you guys wipe the mud off off your shoes!" Jean and I both looked at Eren, Jean with a confused expression. I took the opportunity to put my arms around my boyfriends waist and hold onto him while he talked. Jean made a face at Eren's yelling, " huh? Are you kidding me right now? You See all this crap we're carrying?" I laughed a little, it's funny how scared Eren was of my father. It's Strange, when you grew up with the man I guess you just get used to his coldness, but I never knew that outsiders find him so intimidating. Jean threw his sacks on the ground while I continue to hold onto him. Eren got in Jeans face now, "you idiot. You think an excuse like that is gonna fly with Captain Levi? I even had to make your bed for you this morning, now you have to pull this crap?" Jean had about as much as he could take started raising his voice back, " oh shut it! Who are you my mom? Besides I'm dating his daughter so maybe he'll cut me some slack dammit!" I couldn't help but giggle a little bit at the boys bickering. Soon everyone's attention was drawn to the door, Mikasa and Historia walked in with axes and arms full of firewood. Armin started to freak, "you guys were chopping firewood!" Mikasa looked at her friend unamused, " have to stay in shape somehow." This made Armin even more frustrated, "But you were grab a titan! Should be in bed recovering!" Mikasa completely ignored the boy and walked further into the room. Eren Sighed, " I think you're wasting your breath. I caught her and Rin doing sit ups and push-ups earlier too." Suddenly I felt my boyfriend get even more angry, "oh so you're a nag and a spy!" Eren started yelling now too, " what? How the hell is that spying if they were doing it right out in the open!" I let go of my boyfriend and started walking over to Connie and Sasha who where Opening boxes of food. Historia laughed, making the boys go silent, " funny. Almost feels like we're back in our cadet days, doesn't it?" Armin looked down, he seemed saddened, "chaos. Makes you wonder why they chose us for this new Levi squad. Protecting Eren, Rin and Historia is such an important mission." I hated when they referred to me as someone who needed protecting. If I would've had gear back then I would've killed both of those boys who kidnapped me and Eren. But I didn't, so now I'm under 24 hour
Surveillance courtesy of my father. It's ridiculous really, i'm not allowed to go anywhere on my own or wonder off, now I even have to alert them when I go outside. Suddenly Eren's yelling pulled me from my thoughts, "Hey! Can we focus here! We have to finish cleaning before the captain gets back!"
Armin rolled his eyes, "the bread Sasha." I just watched the others argue, I think I saw my dad enter before everyone else, they were panicking about his arrival so I couldn't help but giggle when I saw him enter the room. " what's all this commotion about?" Levi said just as intense as ever. Eren noticed him, but jean and the others still didn't seem too, as they kept arguing. My dad walked up to the table where they were all arguing and placed and underneath it, he moved his hand and bits of dirt fell. He looked at his hand, disappointed and a little angered, then he spoke in his usual calm and intimidating voice, " i'm certain I gave you all enough time. just never mind, we can discuss your failures later. Eren, Hange is anxious to get the experiments underway." I looked over to Eren, that's right I forgot he was going out with Hange today. I always worry about Eren taking part in their crazy experiments, though I guess I can't be too worried since I wants to part in them as well. Eren looks over at the captain, "right. Yes sir."

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