Chapter twenty four

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Breakfast was fast paced, I expected as much thought, today was our mission and I already knew the scouts ate fast and left early on mission days. I walked into the dinning room and saw Eren, Armin and Mikasa. I went up behind Armin and gave him a hug. I don't think he was expecting it because he gasped and dropped shit spoon, he calmed down when he realized it was me, "Rin?" I laughed a little, "sorry, I just wanted to give you all hugs before the expedition. After the first one, I've made it a habit to hug everyone and tell them to be safe before missions." And that was true, after the first expedition I promised that I'd always wake up early and hug everyone and wish them safe travels, it just gave me a piece of mind. I let go of Armin and walked around the table to Eren and smothered him in a hug as well, he seemed uncomfortable for a second but relaxed and turned around and hugged my back. We let go and I turned to Mikasa, "I uh- can I hug you or will you try to beat my ass?" I wasn't sure how Mikasa felt about physical affection and I was scared she'd try to kill me if I hugged her like the others. Mikasa looked at me with her usual depressed face before holding her arms open, "just for a Second." I couldn't help but smile, she's never this nice, it made me feel nice too. I hugged her for a second before letting go and smiling softly at the group, "Please be safe guys, I don't know what I'd do without you. I'll look out for as much as I can too so don't worry." Then I looked at Eren directly, he'd be with my dad and his squad, I knew they would protect him but i still felt uncomfortable with him being around Levi. "Eren, don't do anything to piss off my dad, I want you coming back with all your teeth," I laughed. Eren laughed a little too and smiled up at me, "I'll do my best." I turned around and saw my dad looking at me, I jogged over to his table. I stood behind Petra and leaned against her back with my arms around her solders and she held my hands, "hey beautiful come to eat with us?" Petra asked happily. "Just came to wish everyone good luck," I smiled. Oluo scoffed, "kid I don't need luck, I have raw talent think you." Petra kicked him under the table, "don't be a jerk." Gunther laughed, "thanks Rin." I smiled as Eld looked over at me, "and good luck to you, this is your first expedition." Levi scoffed, "she already has two kills so I wouldn't be to worried. After all she's my daughter," he said putting emphasis on the word my. I felt my spirits drain a little after he said this, they really did have high expectations for me huh? I guess being the famous Levi Ackerman's daughter comes with that pressure. I let go of Petra and ran to give Eld and Gunther a hug. Then I went over to Oluo, "I don't need it thanks kid," he said putting a hand up before I could hug him, but I didn't acknowledge it, instead I tackle hugged him and laughed as he uncomfortable squirmed and told me to get off. "Even though you're a jerk I still want you to be careful. You guys are my family and I don't think I could live without you." I said softly, this caused him to loosen up. "Yea well, you don't die either kid. I'll be looking for you after the mission," he said trying to keep the care out of his voice. Oluo may be a pain in the ass but he did care. I let go and looked at my dad. He was sitting down and glaring at me. I walked over to him and he stood up to face me, he was only a little taller then me but his demeanor was still terrifying. Then he did something he had never done before, he pulled me in and hugged me. It felt weird at first but I squeezed him back and closed my eyes. This felt nice, my dad didn't hug me often and when he did I was always the one to initiate it. "Be safe Rin. I don't know if I'll be able to look out for you out there. So do us all a favor and come home safe." I didn't know what to say, he'd never spoken to me like this. "Say you will so i know you understand. I just need that piece of mind." I berried my face in his shoulder, "I'll come home dad, I promise." After that he pulled back and looked at me, "go find your friends." I smiled at him and then at the others. I spotted Reiner, Bertolt, Annie and Jean at one table and Sasha and Connie at the end of another. I ran up behind Connie and Sasha and put one arm around both of them and pulled them in for a hug, "I love you guys please be careful!" I said still emotional." Connie choked a little, "Rin. Geez you trying to kill me." Sasha laughed and started crying at the same time, "I love you too Rin!" She cried and pulled away tackling me in a hug, "please come back okay? Promise you'll come back! Promise me!" She practically yelled. I laughed a little as I held her, "I promise, now please, stop crying, people are looking at us." Connie pulled her off, "geez what's gotten into you. Here, you can have the rest of my bread if you just calm down." Sasha stoped crying immediately and snatched Connie's bread. I laughed a little at the two before turning and heading for Reiner, Bertolt, Annie and Jean. Jean's back was facing me so I took the opportunity to sneak up behind him. I walked up behind him and Reiner looked up at me. I put my finger to my lips telling him to be quiet as I tackle hugged Jean. Jean jumped and looked back at me, "Damn Rin. why do tug keep doing that?" I laughed and sat next to him, "because. Anyway, it looked like people are already leaving. Are you guys ready to head out?" Annie stood up first, "yes. Goodbye." I stood up and walked after her, "hey wait a second." She stoped waking and turned to look at me, "what," she said in a cold tone. I suddenly felt flustered and uncomfortable, "I uh. Just wanted to tell you good luck, and be careful. Though you're really strong so I doubt you'll have much to worry about. But still, I want everyone I care about to come back safe, that includes you. I like you a lot, I've always thought you were cool, so try not to get hurt okay?" I said softly and smiled up at her. She didn't say anything, did I really expect her to? "Also, I uh, usually hug everyone but I'm not sure if you're into that. I just do it to give myself a piece of mind but if that makes you uncomfortable then-" I stoped talking when she wrapped one arm around me for a hug, it lasted less than a second but it still counted. Before I could say anything she was already walking away. I turned back to the three boys, Reiner especially looked shocked. I ran back to them and sat down. Reiner then laughed, "wow Rin, even got Annie to soften up a little. You're a hero alright." Bertolt laughed a little uncomfortably too.
After a few minutes everyone started leaving. I went up to Reiner and Bertolt, I hugged them both with one arm, "be safe guys." Bertolt smiled a little at me, "you too Rin." I let go of the boys hug Reiner pulled me back for a real hug, "don't do anything stupid, I know you're trying to impress your father and you feel inferior but don't. You're one of the best people I know, kind, beautiful and damn strong too." I held my breath at his words, "how did you-" he cut me off, "it's obvious by your face whenever you're around him." I sighed and hugged him back. Then I let go and ran to the front of the group. "Erwin, Hange, Miche!" I yelled at the three in front of me. I had to wish them good luck too, that was my family after all.

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