Chapter thirty

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I decided I needed to look for Erwin or my dad, Tell them about that abnormal and Miche's situation.
I can't help worrying about him. He's strong yes, but he isn't indestructible. Plus their is no way of knowing what that abnormal is capable of.
I felt like I should go back, but I can't disobey his orders. I stoped on a far roof top for I don't know how long. I couldn't stop thinking of going back, debating wether it was worth getting in trouble over. I sat there for what felt like an eternity before finally heading back.
When I hit ground again It was getting dark, I saw a bunch of scouts gathering supplies and loading it into wagons. Then I coughed sight of Armin. "Armin," I yelled, running over to him. The boy looked over at me and gave me an obviously forced smile. "Oh hey Rin. I'm glad you're okay." I sighed, "yea Miche send me back early, do you know where the commander is?" Armin shook his head, "no I don't, but Hange is here somewhere." I looked around, "that'll have to do I guess, be safe you guys," I said turning and jogging in the other direction.
I opened doors and looked around corners for Hange. I finally opened a door to see them leaning over their desk looking through a microscope.
I stood behind them and leaned over looking over their shoulder, "is that a piece of Annie's crystal?" Hange didn't look up at me when they spoke, "yes but-" they were cut off but a very flustered Moblit, "section commander! Why are you taking so long. And Rin? Uh! Please hurry guys! Their leaving in 5 minutes!" He didn't even wait for a response before running out of the room. Hange didn't put any attention on him, "just hold your horses I need another minute." Then they gasped and finally looked up. "What. What's wrong," I said not even trying to hide the worry from my voice. But before they could respond we were interrupted.
"Hange. Get moving. And Rin? Why the hell are you in here and not with the others?" I felt relieved when I saw my father.
"Dad, I just got back. Their was this abnormal. Miche and I saw him, he was at least 17 meters and covered in some weird hair." Levi leaned against the door and looked over at me, "we'll talk in a minute." Hange laughed a little, "what about our guest?"
Levi closed his eyes, "yea he's been ready for a while"Hange grabbed the crystal and left the room. Levi tried to leave too but I grabbed his coat and pulled him back, "dad listen."
"Not right not Rin. I said we'd talk later. Now get on your horse and get in your position."
I got on my horse and took position next to Jean. He looked surprised to see me, which was weird.
"Rin, you're here."
"Yea? Why does everyone seem so weird about that."
Jean looked ahead again, "if you don't know don't worry about it right now."
What the hell? Why was everyone acting so weird towards me?
"THE STATUS OF WALL ROSE IS UNCLEAR. BUT EVERYTHING UP TO EHRMICH IS FINE. SO THATS THE ROUTE WE'LL BE TAKING. LETS MOVE." The loud voice of Erwin yelled from in front of us. And of corse without hesitation we all followed him.
I would follow Erwin to the ends of the earth  is he asked me to.
We were made to split up into groups and look around the wall for the breach. I didn't find this job ideal but I still did as I was told. I rode next to Reiner and Bertolt and the others for hours until we saw lights up ahead. We came face to face with the other group walking sprung the other side of the wall.
"So. You followed the wall too I take it?"
"Yes. I assume you found the breach then?"
"We didn't see any irregularities along the western route. Surly you must have found at least something in the east right?"
I think that Nanaba already knew the answer.
"No. The wall was perfectly intact."
It was silent for a while until scouts started to speak up.
"Maybe we just over looked it."
"Not likely."
"I suggest we have another pass."
"That goes goes without saying. But trouble is the horses are on the verge of collapse and so are we. If only we had more light."
"But it's to dangerous to go durning the day, at least with being out here at night we know the titans aren't mobile," I said. Reiner and Bertolt were both looking at me, i could feel their eyes.
The moon came out from behind the cloud, allowing us some more light.
"What's that?"
I looked in the distance to see some kind of old castle. We headed for it.
"Not an ideal place to sleep but I guess we can make it work for the night."
"Yea, and the moon is finally out."
We rode up to the castle and jumped from our horses. My legs felt numb and limp from the hours of riding. It made me stumble a little and I could hear Reiner behind me letting out a quiet snicker.
I glared back at the blond making his shut up.
I rolled my eyes and followed Nanaba into the castle. It was smaller then I expected, but I guess I couldn't expect much since it was pretty old. Everyone started sitting against the walls or laying on the floors.

I walked over to Reiner and Bertolt , most others were asleep by now.
"Rin, aren't you tired? It's been a long day, especially for you." Reiner asked, looking down at me. I looked away, looking at the others. Connie passed out on a blanket on the floor. Christa nodding off in the corner. "No. I'm to anxious to sleep. Besides, someone needs to be alert in case something happens." Reiner quintet his eyes at me, "why do you mean? In case something happens." I looked up at the boy who looked at me with confusion and suspicion. I shrugged my shoulders, "dunno. I just have a weird feeling okay." Reiner hums in response.
This leaves me time to think,
I do have a bad feeling. I dunno why, everything is so peaceful. But peace always brings chaos. The calm before the storm.
"I'll be right back." Reiner announced turning the other direction. I wrinkled my eyebrows. "What? Where are you going?" He stoped in a door way leading to a hall, "to take a piss." I made a disgusted face which Reiner chuckled at before leaving the room. I was to tired for this, to tired to question why he was going upstairs to piss. To tired to to follow him. To tired to even stand up straight. Bertolt and I were left in an awkward silence.
I should try to make conversation. It'll help keep me awake. Besides this is to damn awkward.
"So, uh Bertolt." Bertolt jumped a little and looked down at me nervously, like he wasn't expecting me to speak. "Uh yea, Rin?" I laughed a little at his awkwardness. "I suppose we've never really spoken before." He forced an awkward smile and opened his mouth like he was about to reply but suddenly our conversation was cut short.
We all looked at the woman yelling.
"What the hell is going on?" I questioned.
"Yea, what's happening?" Nanaba followed up.
The woman didn't respond. "JUST HURRY." Everyone started to run and so did I. Then I remembers Reiner, and Ymir was missing too. I think Bertolt noticed I was hesitating because he put a hand on my shoulder and urged me towards the stairs. "Rin. Common. They're coming, trust me." I looked into his eyes, they're were full of worry and hesitation. I could tell he didn't believe his own words. Suddenly Ymir and Reiner ran through the door way. Ymir split from our group but Reiner found Bertolt and I. "What's going on?" he questioned. "I'm not sure, but please guys, we have to go," Bertolt pleaded. I decided to give the guy a break and made a run for the stairs.
When we made it to the roof top I felt a gust of chilly night air brush my face.
This brings back memories. But why must I think of her in a time like this. Petra.
I leaned over the edge and I felt my blood run cold at the sight.
"I couldn't see them in the dark. But with the moonlight."
I gripped the stones in anger.
Damnit. I knew I had a bad feeling about tonight.
"Hey guys. What the hell is that." Connie broke the tension filled silence. He pointed to something in the distance.
It was him. That Titan, that ugly bastard.
"It's gotta be a Titan. But have you ever seen one that big. It's more like some kind of beast!"
A beast was the prefect word to describe that thing.
I couldn't look away from that harry thing.
"Damnit. It's that thing again," I cursed at the Titan. Christa looked at me in confusion, "wait Rin, you've seen that thing before?"  I didn't stop looking at the beast, "yea. Just earlier today with Miche but-" I stoped when I saw the others faces. Reiner, Bertolt, even Ymir, looked completely paralyzed with fear.
"Wait is he-" I started before Connie yelled over me.
"He's heading for the wall!" Suddenly titans started crashing into the walls of the castle sending us all flying. I lost my footing and fell but familiar arms caught me. "Thanks Reiner," I said pulling away from him. But the crashing only continued.
"Hey hey! No! Don't come up here!" Another soldier yelled. I ran over To the side of the tower again and looked at the titans, trying to keep the horror off my face.
"I SHOULD BE DRINKING RIGHT NOW! I EARNED THE RIGHT TO GET TRASHED!" A soldier yelled while pulling out his swords.
"You idiot what are you-" Nanaba put her hand on my solder and pushed me back. "Stay here rookies. Let the ODM gear do what it's designed for," she said pulling out her sword.
"ATTACK!" She yelled and all of the solders with ODM gear charged the titans below. I felt completely helpless. And I hated that. I wanted to, I needed to be out there.
Wait. Where's the beast?
I looked around until I noticed, he was sitting on top of the wall. Then I thought of something.
Where's Miche anyway? It's weird that he isn't here. But if the beast is still here does that mean- no, don't think like that. Miche is fine. I bet he's with Hange and Levi.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Reiner," I said quietly. He forced a smile in my direction, I could tell it was forced by how quickly he dropped it and how naturally his face took on a more serious one. "Don't stress Rin. You've done what you can. Please rest a little."

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