Chapter thirty one

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-2 hours earlier-
"Someone was here not that long ago"
"A place this close to the wall?"
"Bandits probably, Just  using it as a hideout"
"A sign outside read "Ruins of Utgard Castle. Who knew their was a historical site around here."
I sat next to Reiner and listened to the talk. I'll be honest I wasn't paying much attention, I had a weird feeling in my stomach.
"Hey look what I found!"
I looked up at the man entering the room holding a large green bottle.
"You're joking. Is that what I think it is?"
"Uh huh. I can't really read the label but-"
"You're not going to drink that are you?"
"Hey, I'm saving it for later."
I looked down at my lap, I don't like this situation we're in. Besides, it's boring here. The hire up chatted a bit longer but I didn't care to listen to what they had to say, until they spoke to us directly.
"Listen kids, i want you to try to get some rest. There shouldn't be any Titan lurking around but we'll still be keeping watch. Be ready to leave 4 hours shy of day break." I scoffed,
Get some rest my ass. How do they expect us to sleep here? Especially with no word from the others, what a load of bull shit. I should ask one of them about Miche tho, for some reason he keeps coming back to my mind.
"Excuse me. What if it turns out that wall Rose isn't actually compromised? Where uh- where else could they have come from?" Krista asked timidity. I looked up at the officer in front of us, expect something more reassuring, but instead he just said simply, "it's our job to find out," before turning and leaving. Krista didn't drop the subject tho, "all I'm saying is that our situation isn't good, sure. But maybe it's not as bad as we think." Others joined in at this point.
"She's right, we've hardly seen any titans, if they busted through the wall that is."
"Only with the initial sighting a relatively modest handful at best."
I felt almost numb in this moment, and cold, "this talk is pointless, until we regroup with Miche, hange or commander Erwin that is. Please just stop talking about it," I listened to my voice as the words flowers out, I didn't sound like myself, I sounded just like my father. Maybe that's why everyone seemed off when I spoke up. I looked over at Reiner next to me, he looked so tired, but he also looked almost sad, like he wanted to reach out or say something but he refused to. I sighed and looked away and back at the ground. The room stayed silent for a moment.
This is stupid, we shouldn't jump into action without the commander. He's the real brains, we're all just mindless toads compared to him.
Suddenly the silence was broken by Ymir, "hey Connie. What about your village?" Connie looked up at her, "it was totally destroyed. It was crushed to nothing but rubble." Everyone's faces seemed to glow a bit at the start of a new conversation, but their eyes went dark again upon hearing Connie's response. I couldn't blame them tho, I felt my heart Ache a little for Connie. Ymir cleared her throat, "oh I'm uh- I'm sorry." Connie hardly let her finish before jumping back into the topic, "but nobody got devoured. Looked like they all got out okay. So that's better." Confusion was smeared all over Ymir's face, "but I thought you said it was destroyed." Connie repositioned himself before continuing, "yea the houses and stuff were, but everyone must have escaped. They had to have, their was uh, no blood or body's. Not a single drop. But still, theirs something I can't get out of my head. There was a Titan laying on one of the houses, my house. She just laid there, staring at me. Thank god, it couldn't move on its own. But I- I just don't know why but, it reminded me of my mom. Am I crazy or something?" I felt my heart race a little at Connie's story. "Connie, what the hell did I tell you," Reiner hissed, "you're imagining things-" But he was interrupted, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Ymir yelled while cackling like a mad man, "you actually think your mom might be a Titan? Oh honey! As tiny as you are? Oh please! We all knew you were summer then a rock but this story, this takes the cake!" Everyone's fave was shocked, hell I felt shocked, but I felt more annoyed then anything. Connie face palmed, "yea yea have your fun, guess I was kinda asking for this." I felt bad for Connie but Ymir just kept going, "Don stop there. If dare mother Is a Titan is only logical to assume daddy's one too. Basic biology- how else would they-" Connie finally snapped now, "OKAY I GET IT SHUT THE HELL UP AND GO TO SLEEP!"
We all started to lay down after that.
It felt like hours, I tossed and turned on that hard floor but it was no use. I turned over to see Reiner laying next to me, staring at me. I rolled my eyes, "can I help you?" He laughed a little, "You're a tough one Rin, how are you?" I felt a bit more relaxed now, I knew I could trust Reiner. "Honestly, I'm exhausted. I'm tired of all this walking and waiting." Reiner nodded a little, "I understand that, this isn't really my style either. But if this is where the commander wanted us then this i suppose we should remain here."
I sighed, "yea, you know I'm more devoted to Erwin then anyone. Hell, I owe so much to him." 
"Carful Rin, you shouldn't blindly follow anyone, trust the commander and give your heart, but it's okay to question his motives."
"I wish Miche was here."
"You're really close to him, he must mean a lot to you."
I laughed a little, "he taught me everything I know about combat. He's the strongest person I know, next to my father that is. We'd spend hours fighting in the field, we'd spar until we couldn't breath. Then we'd lay on the grass and talk, I knew I could tell him anything. If you ever tell him this I'll kill you, but I love him. He's one of my best friends."
Reiner say up now, his fave taking s mite serious one now.
"Hey where are you going?"
Reiner stood up and looked down at me, "I'm sorry Rin. I'm going to take a leak, I'll be back," he said before turning and leaving. I couldn't help but feel disappointed, I liked talking to Reiner. We didn't talk like this much, but I enjoyed it when we did.

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