Chapter twenty seven

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"Sorry to keep you waiting," Erwin announced as he lead us through a set of doors. My father and Eren were sitting at a long table waiting for us. Eren looked at us all in disbelief, "why- why are you all here?" None of us responded, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, we all stayed silent trying to keep a calm face.
"We believe we've uncovered the identity of the female Titan," Erwin announced.
"The day after tomorrow we'll be passing through Stohess and route to the capital. We'll strike then. It'll be our first and only chance to do so. But once we step foot in the interior the government will take custody of Eren and the scouts authority to continue operations will be limited. So, unless we wish to concede defeat we must flush out the enemy now." Erwin spoke calm and steady, which was common for him, I don't think the man has ever been nervous or scared of anything in his life.
So they found the female Titan? Why didn't Erwin say that before damnit? Would have saved me a lot of stress about wondering what this late meeting was about. But still, he wants us to fight her again? Our most trained soldiers were kill so what makes him think these rookies can take her?
But I can, taking her would be easy for me. I almost did it once. And my ankle hardly hurts anymore. I need to take her down, I want to. I want my revenge.
No. I need my revenge.
"So here's what we'll do. While I'm Stohess we use Eren as bait, luring the target into this underground passage. The deeper down the better. Get her beneath street level. That done, she should easily be immobilized even in Titan form. If she transformed before the tunnel then she'll be your responsibility Eren."
Eren shook a little at the commanders words, I could tell he was terrified by the way he spoke, " she'll for sure be in Stohess? Theirs no chance she'll bolt before we get there?"
"No, she won't risk going AWOL."
" mean she's-"
"Armin identified her. She's an MP, likely a fellow trainee in the 104th cadet Corps."
"You can't be serious? I trained with her?"
"I'm sorry Eren. She's one of us."
I felt my muscles tighten when the two went back and forth.

My dad, Erwin and Jean started towards one of the carriages when I grabbed the commanders arm. He turned to look down at me. "I'm sorry commander but I have to request that you bring me with you. I know I should put personal feelings into this but, jean and my dad, I-" Erwin cut me off, "come on then Rin we haven't much time." He said sternly speed walking towards the carriage. I jogged ti catch up with up. He sat down next ti Levi and I sat next to Jean who was wearing a brown wig. Jean looked at me with wide eyes, "what the hell are you doing here?" I glared over at him, "mind your own business, Eren," I said mockingly. The rest of the ride was silent. We finally stoped and I could see the group of MP's crowded around us. Commander Erwin got out of the carriage and Levi started to follow but he turned and looked at me before leaving, "stay put unless we need your help, got it?" I nodded and he left the carriage. This left jean and I alone, we sat in an awkward silence listening to the conversation outside.
"Nile. Deploy all troops immediately. We should assume that a Titan has already appeared."
"Are you crazy? This is wall Sina! Theirs no way a Titan would suddenly show up here!"
Nile and the commander argued.
Jean's fist clenched as he jumped from his seat and left the carriage. "You idiot!" I yelled after him and followed him out.
"Who told you to move Jeager!"
"How about this damn wig moron. Call me Jeager again and you're dead got it!"
I ran over to my dad and the commander as Jean fought with the MP officer. When I got to my dad and the commander Jean was right behind me.
"Erwin, what's the plan," I questioned. Suddenly Jean showed up and interrupted me, "commander, what's the plan,?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and mumbled, "I just said that you jerk."
Erwin ignored my comment as he told us the plan, "Ask Squad 4 for equipment."
"Sir!" jean shouted while clipping his cape on.
"I like the brass balls but try not to swing them so hard it gets you killed," I dad directed at Jean. Jean took off running and I started to follow before I felt a hand around my wrist. I turned to face my dad, he simply nodded and let go of me. I smiled slightly and ran after Jean.
Even though he didn't say anything, he acknowledged my leaving and that I could be headed for a dangerous situation. That was his way of telling me to stay safe and that he loved me without actually saying those words, because you know my dad has to keep up his cool tough guy persona.
Jean and I ran pushing through the crowd.
"Useless MP's, their was a time when I would have given my arm to be one of them. What was I thinking." I think he said this more to themself then to me but I responded anyway, "it's okay to look out for yourself sometimes." Jean looked down at me surprised but grumbled slightly before running faster.
We got our gear and I began to run but jean grabbed my wrist, "wait a second."
I looked back at him, a little impatient, "we don't have a second Jean." Jean rolled his eyes before pulling me over to him. He pulled me harder then I expected which caused me to fall into him. I felt him kiss the top of my head before quickly pulling back and running off again.
What the hell..? Did he just kiss me..? At a time like this..bastard didn't even give me a second to react.
I felt my face go pink as I snapped back to reality and ran after the boy.
I saw Armin yelling at a pile of rocks. "Look, Armin," I pointed out causing jean and I to change direction.
"He won't get up"
"What the hell.."
"Why didn't he change into a Titan?"
"He couldn't! I think something is holding him back from being about to talk on Annie!"
"We'll worry about that when he's safe. Help me."
Jean stood their stunned. I felt stunned as well, but I needed to help Eren now. I pushed passed Armin and pulled at the large rock, after a Moment pushing it off Eren. All of the sudden Jean pushed me out of the way and grabbed Eren by the shirt.
"Enough of the bull shit Eren did I or did I no tell you this day would come eventually! Look at yourself! Our fate in your hands. We're putting out lived on the line and this is all we can expect from our last best hope? Is this what Marco- damnit," at Marco's name jean broke down, falling to his knees. Suddenly a rock came flying our way. Jean saw it and jumped but Armin's back was facing towards it. When the rock came crashing down I tackled Armin and pushed us both out of the way. "Eren..Rin! Are you okay!" Armin shouted when he saw I was knelt on the ground. I looked up with a small smile, "I'm fine." Jean got his sword ready, "leave him! We can't do anything until we take her!"
I felt my anger take control and my eyes go red.
This bitch is going to pay for all the lives she's taken. This bitch."
I ran towards the Female Titan before Armin pulled me back.
"What the fu-"
"Annie! Are you going to kill me or not? I seem to remember you making a wager! Well here's the chance to make good on it!"
I was stunned. But then Jean came out of no where and Armin grabbed my hand and ran us towards him. We used our gear to fly causing her to follow us.
We flew past the last building when suddenly Hange trapped her.
"Oh commander Erwin you genus!" Hange said happily. I'll admit I was relieved to see them.
Suddenly Annie swung her leg, freeing her from the traps.

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