Chapter twenty five

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After running for a while we eventually stopped. Reiner set me down in the grass next to Armin. My head was pounding but at least my thought were back in order. I tried to stand but pain shot up my leg, "shit," I cursed under my breath. Armin looked over at me, "Rin?" I shook my head, "I'm fine don't worry about me, worry about your head, you're bleeding." Reiner sat behind Armin, "here let me take care of that. I'll look at Rin's leg after." I groaned and rolled up my pants leg and took off my shoe. My ankle was externally swollen and bruised.
Now how did this happen? Was this from when that bitch grabbed my leg? I rolled my pants down hoping the others didn't see. Reiner was putting bandaged on Armin while Jean was whistling for his horse.
Reiner- "damn how old is this gear anyway?"
Armin- "don't worry it came off like it was supposed to so it should be in decent shape still."
Reiner-"alright, then that's something. But we're still down a horse. And we can't get moving again till jeans shows up, Rin's is gone too." I looked up, damn I completely forgot about that damn horse.
Reiner finished with Armin and turned to me, "well Rin? Your turn." I glared at him, damn it the last thing I needed was an injury. Reiner rolled up my pants leg, "damn that looks pretty nasty, you think it's broken?" I looked over at him, "no!" I said more angry then intended, I didn't mean it, I was just so pissed. Reiner laughed a little and started rolling bandages around my ankle. "Hey Armin," he said. But Armin didn't answer, "Armin? You with me?" He repeated. Armin's head jerked up. Reiner stood up, "two of us are gonna have to stay behind. Now we need to decide who." Jean stoped whistling and turned to look at the three of us. Armin quickly stood, "wait, shouldn't we at least fire off a smoke signal? If they kept going straight, row four squad three should be in close proximity by now." I looked at the others, "it's worth a try I guess," I said pulling out a purple vial of smoke and shooting it in the air.
Jean- "that was the emergency signal but who know. I doubt someone will see it and think to bring an extra horse. "
Rin-"sorry that was just the first one I grabbed."
Reiner-"listen, we only wait three minutes. If no one shows up, we have to decide."
I knew this was inevitable, "Armin and I will stay. Armin is injured and I'm the strongest one here. But you and Jean are physically well enough so you have the highest chance to catch up with the others. I have plenty of blades and so does Armin. If I comes down to it I'll protect him until you send someone for us."
Reiner looked surprised at my quick answer, "what-" But Armin cut him off, "you're hurt too Rin. But, that's the best plan we've got so I'll go with it. But if we're going to be left out in the open you need to relay a message. Take it straight to commander Erwin, tell them it's from Rin and I'm sure they'll listen since their family."
Suddenly Jean shouted, "looks like you'll be able to tell him yourself. Someone answered the call. And they've got two horses. I looked up, seriously? They thought to bring two? What are the damn chances.
Jean spoke again,"woah hey that's Christa." Christa shouts at us, "hey guys! Are you okay?"
Jean laughed, "well damn, theirs my runaway. Easy Buchwald I forgive you." Christa sighed, "poor thing ran to me scared to death. So did you guys find a Titan?" I tried to force myself up but fell to my knees, damnit I feel so worthless. Christa looked over at me before jumping off her horse, "Rin? What happened?" this made Jean and Reiner look at me too. I sighed, "I'm fine really." jean interrupted me, "don't let her lie to you, she's a stubborn ass I'll give her that, but she's hurt." Christa held out her hand to pull me up, she had a beautiful smile. I took her hand and she helped me get to my feet, she put an arm around my waste and helped me to her horse, "we're both small so we can just share, you don't mind do you? Riding with me I mean." She said with the kindest smile. I shook my head and softly smiled back at her, "of course not. I really appreciate it." Christa and I both got onto the horse, she say up front and I sat behind her and the boys still got ready for travel. Christa spoke again, "so did you guys fight some titans?"
Reiner- "I'm surprised someone actually answered that signal."
Christa- "well I was pretty close, and I found that horse too."
Reiner- "not many would have risked the ride over here. You're as noble as the steeds you've tamed. We're all in your debt."
Christa- "it was nothing. I'm just so glad you're okay. What would we do without you."
Christa practically sparkled when she said this, all the boys faces looked at her in utter amazement. I couldn't help but smile. Christa really is the sweetest, no arguing that. Her looks and personality are both perfect, how could you not fall in love with her?
We all started riding back to join the formation. Suddenly a bunch of green smoke filled the air. Jean looked annoyed, "green smoke?" Armin sighed, "looks like we're staying after all. We're just changing corse." Christa turned to look at me for a moment, "that makes no sense!" I looked at the the blond In front of me, "it's strange, that Erwin isn't commanding a retreat. Something must be going on up there that we don't know about." Jean clicked his tongue, "what the hell commander Erwin are you out of your damn mind?" I looked back at jean, "Erwin knows what he's doing and we will follow his orders no matter how strange they may seem to us." Jean looked away from me, clearly upset.
"We all have the authority to declare the mission a failure. Why ain't anyone speaking up? Is the command squad to far ahead to see the signals?" Reiner questioned. "Maybe. But our corse is clear either way, assume the commanders got this," Armin answers before shooting off a green smoke signal. We all kept charging thirds the formation. We started riding towards the forest and jean continued to run his mouth, "are we going on some kind of scenic tour? How far does he want us to go? This is so ridiculous." Hearing jean insult the commanders judgment like this was starting to get to me, I trust commander Erwin with my life, I owe everything I have to him and I'll be damned if I let someone disrespect him in front of me. "We do as the commander instructs. Period. No questions asked," I said refusing to look at him. "It is Bizarre but so be it I guess, Commander Erwin much have something in mind. Maybe the situation compels him to improvise, "Armin says looking at the trees. I hear Jean sigh, "that gives me confidence. Maybe he's looking for a nice, shady spot to throw all the rookies a party," he said sarcastically. I closed my eyes trying to keep my composure. Armin responds, "I uh, doubt that." Jean looked at him before speaking again,"lighten up, I'm just saying I'm praying he doesn't intend for us to camp here. Not with that female Titan on our asses. We'd be sitting ducks. He's gotta understand that. We're just passing through on the way to somewhere else. No one I'm his right mind would make us stop here." As soon as Jean said this a Squad captain shouts, "soldier, halt!" We all stop and gather around the captain, "Listen yo, we're assuming intercept position within these trees. Unsheathe and find a perch! Stop any titans attempting to enter the forest!" Jean clears his throat, "excuse me sir but uh what exactly is the" the soldier interrupts him with more yelling, "I'm giving the orders here!" He says before zipping away. I held onto Christa for support but let go of her once the captain leaves. "You heard him." I said before flying into the trees. I stood on a branch above jean. My head was pounding, my leg was throbbing. Then jean had to start complaining again. "Do you believe this BS? Am I the only one who wonders what happened to the whole, logistics base, thing? Or why we didn't leave after that female Titan showed up? Why are we all playing birdhouse? Oh wait, no. I know the last one. No titans aloud In the center ranks nature retreat." I closed my eyes and tried to drown him out, but god his mouth was starting to piss me off. He continued, "what a fool. He's got no clue what's going on." Armin whispered to jean, "he'll head you."
Thank you Armin, make this boy shut up before I do it for him.
Jean rolled his eyes, "why should I care? He won't explain anything to the ones risking their lives. I mean look at him. He acts all calm and controlled but it's obvious he's petrified. They say when officers in the field are deemed incompetent by their men they can be relieved of duty. Or in more extreme cases, they die from mysterious stay wounds. all kinda of things could happen out here." I balled up my fist, stop talking. You have no damn idea what they go thought, you've only just got here, I've witnessed this my whole life you ass hole.
Jean looked over at Armin, "you agree with this strategy or is it a bunch of crap? You look like you know something I don't."
I snapped then, "damnit will you just shut up. You know absolutely nothing about this job so stop pretending to be all high and mighty and show a little respect," I said quietly trying to hold back the venom in my words. Jean looked up at me, "and you do Rin? Don't forget you're just as new to this as the rest of us, but it doesn't take a veteran to realize that commander Erwin's lost his damn mind and doesn't know what the hell he's doing." I lost it when he insulted Erwin, no way in hell would he get away with that. I looked down at him with they coldest, most angry look I think I've ever conjured. I jumped to the branch where him and Armin were standing, I landed in my hurt food and growled at the pain but forced myself to stand, i stammered over to jean and grabbed him but the collar and pulled him to my height, "never, insult commander Erwin in front of me. Or that will be the last thing you ever do." Jean looked at me, obviously trying to ask his fear, he spoke calmly to me which just in raged me more, "Rin. Let go of me. I don't know why you're so defensive over the commander anyway, it's not like he's your dad."
Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. He's done everything for me. You don't even have a clue. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Erwin. I may not even be alive, if it wasn't for Erwin. Erwin gave me a home, he gave me food and a nice room. commander Erwin helped me find myself. Erwin gave me a home, he gave me a family. He's one of the few people, that means everything to me.
My grip on Jean's shirt got tighter as I pulled him closer, "you don't know a damn thing about him. Fuck you," I said feeling myself get more angry, "fuck you." I practically whispered before zipping higher ti a few branches above everyone.
I say there with my knees to my chest.
Why did I do that? Why did he words effect me so much? It's like when he said that, I realized how important Erwin really was. God I hope he's okay, I hope Miche and Hange and Erwin and my dad are okay. I know my dad is okay, he has Petra, Oluo, Eld and Gunther, they'd protect each other. I don't know why but when I think about my dad and his team I have a bad feeling, i'm sure it's nothing.

———-Levi pov———
A Titan was following us as we rode thought the woods. Eld sighed, "it's been on us since we got here." I didn't bother looking back,"blades drawn, now. It'll happen in the blink of an eye so be ready." Suddenly there she was, "move it!" She ran through the woods towards us, striking down comrade in the air.
"How the hell are we supposed to do basic maneuvers in here"
"It's catching up!"
"Captain! Should we engage ODM?"
My team was shouting at me.
Im sorry I have to ignore you, you'll just have to trust me on this. Just a little closer.
She destroyed the rear reinforcements.
"Captain! Your orders!"
"It's dangerous! Let's take it out!"
"tell us to engage sir!"
I'm sorry. I know you're scared and confused.
"Everyone. Cover your ears," I yell back at my team before shooting.
I look back at the others, "what is our mission? Is it to simply act on impulse? Let me answer that for you, no, it's not. This squads mission is to keep this brat alive, no matter what, don't forget. We keep pushing forward on horse back." My orders were final but Eren still wanted to argue, "but we can't do that forever. She's gaining on us and if she don't do something soon, they keep coming, they'll all die if we don't do something."

Eren hesitated before responding, "IM WITH YOU!"
Good, so he trust us after all. I can say if that was the right call or not but that was his choice.
I kept looking ahead, "keep going, we'll out run the bitch."
She fell right into the trap. Just like he said she would.
"Everyone, switch to ODM gear. I have to break away for a while. Eld'a In charge till I get back. Hide Eren and see to my horse," I said before flying off towards Erwin. I landed on the on the branch next to him.
Levi- she isn't putting up much of a fight.
Erwin- yes but we see need to keep our guard up.
Good work leading her here. I'm more then a little impressed.
Levi- it wouldn't have been possible without the rear guard who's lives bought us time. This belongs to them. I'll never forget that.
Erwin- is that so?
Levi- yes. Because of their sacrifices, we can expose whoever this really is. Ten to one they're in their pissing themselves now. Speaking of which, have you heard anything about the others? I mena-
Erwin- no I haven't heard about Rin. No doubt she's just fine tho.

I stood on the monsters head now, talking down to her, "while we're on the subject let me ask you, you're okay with me cutting your limbs off at the joints, right? I mean I'm sure they'll grow back, but I'm talking about your actual body. I don't want you dead just yet, timing wouldn't work."
Suddenly the monster screamed, she screeched so loud we all had to cover our ears. But then a hoard of titans came at her and started eating her.

——normal pov——-
Levi squad was using ODM gear to retreat when someone in a hood flew next to them. Gunther looks at the mysterious person, "captain Levi? Wait, no that's, oh shit," was the last thing he said before the person cut him down. Eren flew to Gunther's aid, "Gunther!" He yelled, before realizing he was dead.
Oluo swooped down and grabbed Eren.
"Who is that?"
"Just keep them away from Eren! Damn it! Eld. What re you doing huh?"
"Their isn't time to get the horses. Make dor HQ at fell speed."
Petra was in raged, "who every it is will pay! Even if it's the last thing I do!"
She mysterious person disappeared for a moment before transforming, into the female Titan.
"No time to lose! Move it! She's coming for us!"
The titans ran for the rest of Levi squad at fall force,
They sent Eren away and insisted on handling the female Titan themselves.

They fought well.
First, she ate Eld
Then she crushed Petra.
And finally, she smashed Oluo.

——Levi pov——
I flew back the way I sent my team. First was Gunther, hanging their lifeless. Then Eld, laying in the grass in a pile of his own blood. Same with Olud and Petra.
I stared down at Petra's lifeless body.

You did good
Now rest my friends.

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