Chapter Six

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Rin was 13 now, in only a few months she would be 14 and soon after she'd be able to go off for military training. She was eating dinner with Hange and Moblit one night and she started thinking about her future.
                                -Rin's pov-
I was eating my potato soup and listening to Hange going on another one of their rants about their recent Titan research. Usually what Hange said was interesting to me but tonight I couldn't help but be distracted. My current thoughts stemmed from a comment Miche made towards me earlier in the day. He told me how tall I was getting and how much stronger I've gotten, and then he told me that I'm less then a year I'd go off for military training and that I'd come back even stronger and make all of them proud. I felt honored at the time but the more I think about it the more pressure I feel. What if I don't get stronger? What if I was actually the weakest one there? What if I end up disappointing everyone in the end, I come back form training only to be eaten by a Titan on the first expedition. After a while I started to feel a panic attack coming on. I decided to leave the dining hall and go outside for some fresh air. I walked up to the hill where Petra and I usually sat. I was only there for a second before someone sat next to me. I turned my head to look at the person, "Petra." Petra smiled at me,"hey, what's going on?" I looked away from her and up at the stars again. I took a deep breath before answering her. "I'm just thinking, worried that in the end I won't be good enough and That I'll disappoint you all, especially my dad." Petra looked at me again and this time I looked back at her, "Rin you've been holding your own against Miche, Miche, the strongest soldier next to Levi. Not to mention you've had Hange pumping information in your head since the day you got here. You're worrying to much." She said.

                             -normal POV-
Petra put her hand on Rin's cheek and suddenly her vision went blurry and all she saw was white. Petra stared at the white for a moment before something started to become visible. She saw dots? No, stars. And she saw two girls laying underneath them. It took a moment for the image to focus but then she realized, it was her and Rin. She watched for what felt like several minutes as her and Rin played under the stars. Then she suddenly she Heard a loud ringing and was pulled from the image, almost like waking up from a dream suddenly. Petra jumped up quickly and looked down at Rin. Rin looked up at her with scared eyes. Petra was at a loss for word. And so was Rin.

Rin sat in the uncomfortable leather chair in Hange's office. Hange walked around the room and asked mio questions.
"Have you had a fever?"
" strange eating habits?"
"Have you always had this ability?"
"I don't think so..."
"When did you first notice it?"
"About an hour ago..with Petra."
"Did you see it?"
"See what?"
"Oh, yes. I saw it, kinda."
"No, I don't think so."
Suddenly a deep voice broke their conversation. "That's enough Hange, Rin, it's time for bed." Levi said while looking at his daughter. Hange pushed her glasses up on her nose, "right, sorry Rin. Go get some sleep." Rin looked at the ground before hoping off the chair and quietly exiting the room and going to her own.
Levi looked at Hange with narrow eyes, "I better not find out you did any of your experiments on my daughter Four eyes." Hange was faced the other way looking through some paper on the counter, they sighed, "I'll only do them if Rin allows it. But she can't run from this. It's better she let us help her rather then her figure it all out on her own. It could be dangerous. She's terrified." Levi didn't speak for a while, he just stared before storming out of the room. Hange stoped looking through papers and stared down at their hands. Moblit walked up behind them, "section commander?" Hange didn't look at him but spoke in a calm and steady voice, "do you think she'll be alright?"

Rin woke up bright and early the next morning and went straight to Hange's office. She didn't even bother to change out of her night gown. When she reached the office doors she went straight in, "Hange, I want you to run the test, the ones you mentioned yesterday, Figure out what's wrong with me." Hange and Mobile looked up from the desk where they were working. Hange's face lit up, "if you really mean it Rin, have a seat!" Rin smiled and sat down in the Leather chair. Hange took her blood pressure, checked her heart beat and reflexes. They even took some blood samples and looked at them under her microscope. They took a small skin sample and looking in Rin's mouth and ears and eyes. After hours Hange came to the conclusion that everything about Rin's health was, normal, she was completely normal. Hange threw a fit after realizing their hours of testing were completely fruitless. Rin watched the in raged Hange and the concerned Moblit trying to calm them down when suddenly she had an idea. "Hange, could  I try something real quick?" Hange stoped what they were doing and looked at Rin, "alright, what do you need me to do?" Rin stood up and walked over to Hange. She pulled Hange's hand and placed it on her cheek and closed her eyes. Rin concentrated as hard as she could on a specific memory she had. Then suddenly Hange gasped and their eyes widened. They saw white, just like Petra did. But when the image became clear Hange was able to make out that they were seeing themself and Rin, doing an experiment. They were laughing and having fun while Mobile was trying to do damage control behind them. Suddenly Rin pulled her hand away and the vision faded as Hange was pulled back to reality. When they was pulled Rin gasped loudly and Hange stumbled backwards, catching themselves on the table behind them. They looked down at Rin at first In shock, but then a huge smile spread across their face and they scooped Rin up in their arms and spun her around the room. "YOU DID IT YOU DID IT YOU DID IT! TELL ME EVERYTHING RIN! HOW DID YOU DO IT!" Rin laughed, "okay okay but first you have to put me down."
Rin spend the whole rest of the day talking with Hange and practicing her new found ability. They learned that Rin can only transfer something from her memories to any other person, meaning she can show another person one of her memories and they can watch it like a dream. They also learned that it has to be one of Rin's memories, it can't be just something she made up in her head. The also discovered that the only way for her to transfer these memories was by physical contact and intention. It was late, around 11:00 at night, when then finally took a break. The others noticed that they had been missing all day. The door to Hange's office creaked open and commander Erwin and Levi stood in the door way. Levi saw His daughter with a bandage on her arm form where Hange had taken her blood and he was suddenly in raged. He pulled Hange down by the collar and looked them in the eyes, "I told you not to experiment on my daughter damnit, what the hell did you do to her?" Rin jumped up and grabbed onto her dads arm, "dad it was my idea I swear, I'm the one who asked them too." Levi let go of Hang and looked down at his daughter. Rin looked up at him and reached her hand towards his hand, she took it and placed it on her cheek and closed her eyes. She showed him a memory, she showed him a memory she had back in the underground, when the soldier came to there house to retrieve her and take her above ground. When she pulled away Levi looked confused and shocked, and almost hurt. Erwin approach the group and placed a hand on Rin's shoulder. Rin looked up at the commander and he only gave her a small smile in return before looking away.

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