Chapter twenty one

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It was early the next morning, we were finally heading to scout headquarters which I had heard was in a different place now. That probably made me sadder then it should have, I was looking forward to give back to the place I had grown up in, but I was just thankful that my family was still here.
We stood in front of a stable area with horses when a man approached, section commander ness, I was never close to him but I remember him vividly "attention! I'm section commander ness. And this is my horse, Chartettet." I leaned over a little, tho I was in the front, "Dita Ness. Hey!" I said happy that not only did I see a familiar face but I got to speak to them. Ness looked at me and smiled widely, "Rin? You're here. I'm glad, it's not the same here without you." I felt a genuine smile grow on my face as Jean looked down at me until ness started talking again, "fair warning about Charette, she like to pull hair so I'd watch out if you don't want to go bald. Rin can tell you about that." He said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes as I felt I few of the others look at me, "god please don't tell that story." I said covering my face is with my hand. When I was younger I lost a chunk of hair thanks to that damn horse. Ness laughed, "we're glad to meetcha all." Suddenly the horse grabbed onto ness's head wrap as ness yelled at her, "stop that you freak. Can I get a hand here you guys."
After that we were showed to our rooms. Their wasn't enough for everyone to have their own so naturally we were sharing. I was out with Mikasa and Sasha which I couldn't complain about. The 3 of us were in our room as the sun began to set. I looked out the stone window, I wonder where my dad and his squad are? I was hoping they'd all be here when we got here. Suddenly Sasha spoke to me, "so is their where you grew up Rin?" I turned to look at her and sighed, "sadly no, back when I lived in HQ it was a completely different building."
We started training the next day, by training I mean lectures from ness, lectures about the newest plan. It was so boring but I did my best to stay focused.
After training we were walking to get some dinner, I wasn't paying much attention when all the sudden I heard a familiar voice, "Mikasa! Armin! Rin! Guys!" I turned around and saw Eren running towards us. The 3 of us stoped to talk to him, "I'm so glad to see you !" Mikasa looked worried, "have they hurt you? Have they subjected you to any cruel experiments?" I laughed a little, "They wouldn't do that here I wouldn't worry." Eren laughed a little too, "they haven't don't any of that." Suddenly Mikasa's gave turned dark, "that shortie took it too far, one day I'll make him pay." I felt awkward and looked around, that's when I saw Oluo. Jean came and stood next to me but I decided to ditch the group and run for my friend. Jean started to say something but I was already gone, I felt kinda bad but, this was important. Eren turned to look at me and I ran to Oluo and rammed into him hard pushing him back. Eren looked shocked but saw my smiled and turned back to his friends. Oluo felt against the wall, "what the hell-" he started before looking down at me, "Rin." I smiled, I felt so happy to hear his voice, "haha miss me, I miss you ya idiot." Oluo rolled his eyes, "i forgot all about you, it was nice having some peace and quiet for once." I smiled harder at his teasing, this felt so nostalgic. "Hey Oluo where's the others?" he looked around for a moment, "here. Somewhere. By the way Rin. You gonna introduce us to your new boyfriend or what?" I felt my face heat up, "what?! What the hell are you talking about don't be stupid?!" He laughed and bent down to get in my face, "I saw you guys hugging at the recruitment ceremony don't lie to me." He was there? I argued, "that was just Jean he's just my friend geez! And even if he was my boyfriend what's it matter to you! Just because you're gonna die alone doesn't mean I have to!" He squinted his eyes at me, "watch it kid Ik more popular then you realize." I rolled my eyes, "yea? Well Im going to go find my dad." I said turning to walk off, but as I was walking I noticed Jean, he looked sad again, why did he always have to look so sad now? I think he noticed me staring because he looked back and started walking towards me. "Hey, what's up?" Jean looked at me, "where are you going?" Suddenly I had an idea, I'll introduce Jean to some of my friends, that'll cheer him up. I mean those people made me happy when I was at my lowest. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand, "to find my dad, come with me." Jean smiled awkwardly and looked away, "I uh, heard some things about your dad, I don't feel like getting beat bloody." I rolled my eyes, "ugh he won't I promise, common!" I pulled him along as I walked. I went to the stables first, after a mission my dad always cared for his horse first. He was walking out of the stables when we got there, I started waving my hands in the air, "dad!" My dad didn't show any emotion to seeing me, of course, but I still missed him. I ran and tackle hugged him tightly. "I missed you." I whispered, I felt like if I said it quieter it'd seem more believable, after a moment of being stiff he hugged me back, "who's your friend?" I pulled away from him and motioned for Jean to come here. He looked so awkward just standing there. "That's Jean, he's my best friend." Levi narrowed his eyes and I could see Jean sweating.

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