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"Ma'am, we need to talk about your son's quirk." Said the doctor tensely.

"What is it about his quirk?" Asked Inko, Izuku's mom.

Izuku was sitting down to the side of his mom, his father was nowhere to be seen.

"From what we have found out his quirk is really strong, but there is a little detail about it that's not that good" Gulped the doctor.

Inko looked at him with a puzzled look as she waited for him to continue.

"His quirk is too much for his body to handle, it has not met the requirements to manifest. We recommend training his body since that may be the requirements although we're not sure." The doctor concluded with a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead.

The two green-haired stood petrified, that was sure not to be expected.

"Train his body? But he's just a kid! It'll be too much for his little body to handle!" Inko complained.

"It was just a recommendation ma'am, if you really want to activate his quirk we concluded that would be the only way." The doctor responded as he stared at poor Izuku.

"Ugh, it's fine. Thanks for the information doctor" Inko responded dully.

"Y-your welcome, come if you need anything..!" The doctor stuttered as he watched the family leave his office.

The drive home was a very silent drive, not a single word from either of them. Inko tried to see what his son was doing with the rearview mirror, but all she could see was her little boy into what seemed to be a kind of trance.

Inko tried everything to cheer up her son but nothing seemed to work, he would cry in his room, watching the same all might video most of the time.

He was truly heartbroken, he had wished to have an amazing quirk to be a hero besides Kacchan, but it seemed that it was now impossible.


"What do you mean you have no quirk?"

"T-the doctor said that my body couldn't handle it yet... sorry..."

"Huh? Why do you say sorry?"

Izuku lifted his head up a little, concern filled his eyes.

"W-well, if I don't have a quirk then we can't be heroes together..."

"Do I look like I care? UA still accepts quirkless kids, it always has!" 

Izuku's eyes filled with a little spark of hope, maybe it wasn't so bad after all!

But still... it would be extra hard to become a hero with natural strength, if heroes with quirks struggled so imagine how much he would!

"If you plan to be a hero then you just need to train harder, it's not that hard!

You can still be strong with brute force, not top 1 like me obviously but you can still be one"

Kastuki's words rested in Midoriya's head, they helped but not that much.

He started training everyday to the point he passed out and hardly had any free time.

Inko did her best to support Izuku but she obviously had her limits. She would try to make Izuku stay healthy with the training but sometimes she just couldn't, Izuku was just too stubborn.

Bakugou and Midoriya stayed being friends and gave each other little nicknames, when people would try to make fun of Midoriya Katsuki would make them pay, and Izuku would help Bakugou in subjects he didn't understand very well, it was a win win for both of them.

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