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"Yoh Asakura is down!" Rahad/announcer said as Yoh was burnt to a crisp all well done like a chicken nugget "this one's over" Redsub said to Manta as Ren gripped his sword as Mio watched silently "to finally put an end to our rivalry, to defeat you're naivety, I hardened my heart and face you my secret technique! So why are you still alive?" Ren shouted (finally this kids done with his damn dialogue I didn't get paid enough to hear this kid say a whole speech) Rahad thought sighing a bit.

Ren faced a burt chicken nugget Yoh as Yoh stood up and said "because there's still uncertainty in your heart however much you resolve yourself, deep down your still hesitating The Shaman Fight is a battle of mental strength if you fight in a way that means yoy have hesitation in your heart you'll never beat me Ryu and Faust or still breathing too do you still have enough Mana left in you to heal me? Huh Faust?" "Yoh.." Mio said as Yoh builded up his Mana as Faust said 'of course'  it seemed like Yoh heard his name being called and looked at Mio as she blushed slightly as he winked at her she immediately looked away as he chuckled a bit from her reaction as Ren watched growing with anger

"Yoh!" Ren said "huh? Yeah?" Yoh said "I'll.. I'll make sure you lose so I can win her heart!" Ren said angrily "we then, let's see shall we?" Yoh said (no! I killed him that shock packed enough punch to be fatal this isn't a problem with my mindset then what is it?) Ren thought (metal!) Ren realized as he look at Yoh's sword (no... No don't tell me! He possess the power of nature too?) Ren thought as he didn't reize Faust and Yoh attacking him from the back

"heads up!" Horohoro yelled as he protected Ren with a ice shield of some sort. "Don't just stand there, Ren!" Horohoro yelled Ren just smirked and said "don't butt in like that just as it's getting interesting!" "You had it all cover huh? Kamuy Ranke Opukeni!" Horohoro shouted as through a screen the leader of the Patch was watching a long with the Patch Officiants "currently there are three teams that qualify for the secondary Tournament so far if nothing else happens, on of these two teams will join them" the leader of the Patch said.

"As long as nothing else happens as I've reported, Gandhara are already making moves to seize our Five Grand Elemental Spirits both the one taken by Hao 500 years ago, Spirit of Fire, and the remaining four Elemental Spirits should they fall into Gandhara's hands and be handed over to the Five Warriors..." Namari said "then perhaps it was fated to be that way, and the Great Spirit knows of this" the leader of the Patch said

As Horohoro and Ren panted from slight exhaustion "given how long we've been fighting it's not a surprise they all can't avoid losing consciousness" Ren said  "maybe you want to join them on the floor?" Horohoro said to Yoh "listen I'd love to kick
back and relax but I'm not one to quit when I start" Yoh said as he's holding his sword and he lost half his arm to Horohoro's ice "the next one will end it" Horohoro said.

(Mio decided to leave the tournament and watch instead but Team Ren isn't out because they have three teammates)

"Sounds good to me" Yoh said to Horohoro as Ren and Horohoro jumped into the air heading straight for Yoh (how humiliating... I went through all that in hell, and this is all I have...) Ren thought (the two of us have finally made it this far I guess the Shaman Fight really is s battle of mental strength which means the one that wins in the end must be the one without a single cloud of doubt in their mind!) Horohoro thought (a steady heart- a faith with no reason to falter!) Both Ren and Horohoro thought together.

(This is the last shot!) Yoh thought as a big explosion of fire or something like that erupted the stadium "I'm sorry I wasn't going to interfere, but this has to end now" Lyserg said appearing out of frickin nowhere "there's no sense in continuing this fight" Lyserg said. "Lyserg!" Both Horohoro and Yoh said surprised "what are you doing here?" Yoh asked "Lyserg Diethel is the last of the Five Warriors" Sati said "Sati!" Ren said "what she is saying is quite true" Mio said in the stands standing Sati looked up at Mio

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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