Yoh vs Horohoro

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"Listen I'm telling you I got this from a guy named Silva! It's proof that I passed the test!" Yoh said to Anna "your right why don't you tell me who exactly is this Silva person is?" She answered back.

"Looks like she has beautiful long dark hair" Anna said clearly furious "wait hold on! A second Silva's hair got on my when I leaned on him" Yoh said "your that intimate? Now your dead!" Anna yelled but someone opened the door they soon turn there attention on Mio who smiled.

"What's happening here? It looks like Anna wants you dead Yoh" Mio said "Mio! Please save me!" Yoh said on his knees in front of Mio "how so?" She answered "Anna thinks Silva is a girl! And saying I'm intimate with him!" Yoh said "well Anna I can confirm that Silva is indeed a man and not lady" Mio said looking at Anna.

"Is it true?" Anna said looking at Amidamaru and Mio "yes Mistress Anna" Amidamaru said "well alright Yoh your lucky Mio came in time to protect you from another slap" Anna said "thanks Mio!" Yoh thanked Mio as he walked up to her.

"Huh?" Mio said "thanks for saving my but or I would've died the time you came" Yoh said "no problem" she said.

"There are three rounds to advance if you forfeit or lose two matches you will be disqualified then unfortunately you will be stripped of your oracle bell both fighters must have their oversouls engaged or else the match to be valid" Manta said.

"Finally if your unable to sustain oversoul over injury completion or damage you will be deemed unable to fight and will lose the match that pretty much sums up the information from the Oracle Bell" Manta said.

"It looks like your opponent have already been decided are you ready for this Yoh?" Manta asked "yeah I guess so my opponent's name is Horohoro it's kinda weird isn't it?" Yoh asked "I did some research and he might be one of the Ainu people if he was brought up to a spiritual culture like that there's a possibility that this Horohoro guy is super powerful!" Manta said.

"Okay don't worry everything will be just fine" Yoh said "why are you always like this you?" Manta said "that's what's great about him" Amidamaru said "it's the way he looks like lord Yoh's positivity is amazing in another way he trusts himself" Amidamaru said.

"you said Horohoro Manta?" Mio said "yeah? Why?" Manta asked "I met a person with that name Horohoro" she answered "What!" Both Yoh and Manta yelled "you met him before!" Manta said "yeah he's what you said Manta he's powerful" Mio said.

"Wait we should go now!" Manta said.

"Wow! It's huge that's the famous Sumsunshine 60!" Yoh exclaimed "Yoh here you go" Anna said handing him a teal bag "change into your battle outfit" Anna said "right!" Yoh said "wait, isn't this my same get up when I was training as a kid!" Yoh said embarrassed.

It was truly embarrassing I looked towards Mio she was chuckling it was so embarrassing! My crush just laughing at me but then she stopped and looked at me "you look fine Yoh I like the outfit" she said looking away from me I blushed but me being embarrassed helped Manta and Anna think I was blushing because I was embarrassed.

"Oh well I'm sorry do you have a problem with my handmade battle outfit?" Anna asked "handmade! I love it" I said as I looked to see Mio talking to Anna and I asked "hey Mio don't you have a battle?" "Well it's after your battle so I can stay and watch!" She said smiling I just blushed at her smile.

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