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Hello my Lovely's! I hoped you had a lovely day! But now let's get started!

"I mean, from the X-Laws perspective, both Yoh and Ren are your rivals in the Shaman Fight!" Manta said.

"Hao is a much greater enemy than they are you may already know this, but for a Shaman, experiencing death is also a great chance to increase your Mana Hao has died countless of times through reincarnation, bringing his Mana level at 1.25 million I, too, by subjecting myself to extreme torture which keeps me endlessly in a state of near-death, increases my Mana everyday if, as you say, the worst has become of this Tao Ren, then his Mana level should be increased by 50,000" Jeanne says.

"50,000!" Manta exclaimed "however, even more, worrisome is the fact that this Yoh Asakura is Hao's twin" Jeanne says "how do you know that?" Manta asks surprised "we have many friends no longer can we permit that vile power to be used or the dreadful potential it has to go unchecked my condition is that he withdraws from the Shaman Fight" Jeanne says.

"The Iron Maiden?" Joco and Horohoro said at the same time "the Leader of The X Laws one of the three great powers" Yoh said but he got slapped by Joco as he runs his head "are you stupid!" Joco yelled "what was that for?" Yoh says "idiot! Why did you promise them, of all people, that you'd agree to any condition?" Joco says "I know that but this was the only way Ren just doesn't have enough time left" Yoh says "Lord Yoh" Amidamaru said "that still doesn't justify-" Joco begins but got cut off by Ryo "Yoh just cares about his friends" Ryo says "and that's my happy place so no matter what he does next, I'll always be right there with him" Ryo said.

"It's thanks to You and Anna, and Mio that I was able to be reunited with Eliza asking for anything more would be greedy" Faust said "not you guys too!" Joco shouts "stop it Joco! There's nothing more we can say to change these idiots minds I want to save Ren too! Because if he dies on us, our dreams will go up in smoke isn't that right?" Horohoro says as he tightens his hands "that's why I was going to fight with all I had until my Mana ran out then he saunters along and takes them out in one go it drives me wild! To lose to someone so soft that he'd go this far just to save a friend!" Horohoro shouted "Horohoro.." Yoh whispers.

"but in the end, it's the law of the jungle in this world however I shout and scream now, this is just the howling of a dog, that lost the fight go ahead, roll out the red carpet for them and let them save him but I won't ever forgive you if you don't save my teammate of that happens, I will become stronger than you and make you pay!" Horohoro says "alright" Yoh said calmly as Horohoro walked away "hey, wait! You went way too far!" Joco yelled as he starts to chase Horohoro "what about Mio!" Joco asks "we'll get her back soon but for now she's looking after Ren" Horohoro answers.

"Master Yoh you alright?" Amidamaru asks "it's okay work hard, Horohoro, Joco" Yoh says "I'm sorry, Master Yoh!" Bason said as he cried "it's all because I wasn't strong enough!" Bason said "hey, it's not your fault!" Yoh said "if they save Ren he'll be several times stronger than before" Yoh said "He'll be what?" Bason said "then he'll have Mana that I can't even come close to  which means we can leave the rest up to this new, stronger Ren if we can really. Make a world free from constraints, life will be so much better for everyone" Yoh said "Master Yoh! You don't mean!" Bason began but he heard a sound and looked up to see Lyserg and Marco, Manta.

"It seems your a good guesser or is it just a power as Hao's younger brother, Yoh Asakura?" Marco asks "I'm so sorry Yoh!" Manta cried as he was on his knees "thanks, Manta I'm glad to see you too, Lyserg" Yoh said "where's, Mio?" Lyserg asks "oh, she's with, Anna right now" Yoh answers "I see" he says "more importantly, is Maiden here?" Yoh asks "address her properly!" Marco said "Lady Jeanne is in the car do you not think you will be graced with her magnificent presence so easily not until you accept the condition" Marco says "so you did know about me, after all" Yoh said.

"it would be prudent not to underestimate our wealth and intelligence I was shocked to think of that loathsome Hao could be in you! It's quite absurd you possess such power, yet would sacrifice yourself for a sake of a friend but that is not an act befitting a king at all to protect his domain, there are indeed sometimes when a king must make sacrifices however, to sacrifice yourself for one life is so foolish as to be utterly beneath a true king what I mean to say is that you were never worthy of being the Shaman King you've made a wise choice" Marco said.

"Who cares? Spit it out what's the catch? Make it quick, or Ren will die" Yoh said as his hands was in his pockets (yesterday I had no clue that any os this was going to happen you guys... You've helped me so much thank you, truly and I'm sorry... Mio.. Anna) Yoh said in his head as he dropped his Oracle Bell.

Well my lovely's I will see you later!

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