Chapter 14

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"Woah, what's going on?" She asked surprised.

"Well, we figured you've had a hard day, so we thought we would throw you a surprise party to cheer you up!" Fanboy said sweetly.

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it!" She replied smiling.

She politely excused herself to go shower and change her clothes as she was still in the clothes from the night before.

Once she had showered she got ready in her room into some tight black leather trousers and a black lacy bralette. She did a smoky eyeshadow look and was about to go down when she just froze.

She was scared, the last time she was dressed up all nice and went drinking, someone tried to kill her. She couldn't move.

A knock on the door took her out of her trance when she shouted for them to come in.

"Hey, you okay?" Hangman asked.

"Yeah, yeah, fine!" She replied unconvincingly.

"Why don't you try again but be honest this time," he chuckled and sat beside her on her bed.

"Last time I was drinking, someone tried to kill me," she said nervously.

"I understand, it must be really scary for you," he smiled. "But you are Louise 'Rex' Jones, you are as cold as ice, as brave as a lion, as strong as could possibly be. I know it is difficult, but you can get through this."

"It only happened a few hours ago, don't people usually get months to get through things like this?" She chuckled.

"As I said, you're Louise Jones, you don't need months. If you want to wait up here for the rest of the night, I'll be right by your side. If you want to go downstairs and drink until you drop, surrounded by all your friends, I'll be the one pouring your shots!" He replied.

"You are an amazing friend, you know that?" She said.

"Of course I do, so what's the verdict?" He asked.

"Let's go drink!" She said smiling. She knew she was nervous, but she was in a house surrounded by everyone she loved, her attempted killers were in jail, she was safe.

"Oh Louise! Are you okay? Bradley told me everything!" Carole said pulling her into a hug.

"Hey Aunty Carole, I'm okay!" Louise smiled back.

"I never liked that bitch!" Carole added.

"Mom!" Rooster said scolding her.

"What? She tried to kill your best friend and I can't call her a bitch?" She asked.

"Not the point mom!" Rooster said.

"Don't worry Aunty Carole, she is a bitch!" Louise chuckled.

"See!" Carole said to her son.

She smiled and then walked over to the kitchen to meet Hangman. "You ready?" he asked.

He poured her her favourite drink, held her hand and watched get drink it all in one. "How was that?" He asked.

"Good! I may just wait a little longer before I have another one though," she replied.

"That's okay! Tonight is about showing you how many people in your life love you!" He smiled.

"Speaking of, can I just have a word with you?" Her Aunty Sarah asked.

Louise nodded and walked over to a corridor away from everyone. "Is everything okay?" Louise asked.

"I Just wanted to let you know that although Tom isn't here, he is 100% by your side. I know you loved him and it was hard losing him, especially not having him in a moment like this. But he is with us and he is giving us his support!" Sarah said shedding a tear.

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