Chapter 20

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The pilots had finally reached the beginning of the course, this is the time they had to give it their all.

"Setting time for 2 minutes 30 seconds," Maverick said. "Let's go!"

The darted below the SAMS that they saw sat on top of my mountain.

As they saw the first one they were all hit by the reality of how dangerous the mission truly was.

The flew passed a couple when Payback realised that they were beginning to fall behind.

"Rooster we need to increase our speed!" Payback said.

"Talk to me dad," Louise heard Rooster say to himself.

"Don't think, just do kid!" Maverick muttered.

Suddenly Rooster increased his speed and they all followed. They were back on track.

Louise was feeling the thrill, she knew she should be nervous but the adrenaline was getting to her. She smiled as they zoomed passed all the SAMS above them.

"Everyone ready?" Maverick said as he began the climb.

Miracle number one, Louise thought.

The climbed the mountain and inverted themselves on the climb down. Once they were in the middle they all began to line up their shots.

Maverick, hit.

Phoenix and Bob, hit.

Rooster, hit.

Payback and Fanboy, miss.

Shit, Louise thought.

"We've missed! Frost we need you to jump in!" Fanboy said panicking.

"Copy! Already on it boys!" She replied full of confidence.

She aimed her first shot. Direct hit.

Now was time for the difficult part, the climb out and the shot from behind.

Her eyes were getting droopy but she would not give up, she lined up her shot and... bullseye!

Once she climbed out she passed the SAMS and released her flares to get rid of them.

"Don't worry boys, I've got your back!" She cockily replied.

"Frost focus on the mission and gloat later!" Cyclone said in her ear.

"Now where's the fun in that?" She replied to him, she could practically hear him roll his eyes.

In front of her she could see the rest of her team fighting off the SAMS. She thought to herself if only they were as good as she was, but now wasn't the time to be cocky.

"Fuck I'm out of flares!" Rooster called.

Louise's heart dropped. Not Rooster. Anyone but!

"Rooster move!" Maverick called as he flew his plane in between Rooster and the missile.

Okay she now took back her statement from before. Not Rooster OR Maverick.

"MAV NO!" She screamed.

"Did anyone see a parachute?" Rooster asked panicked.

"He's gone Rooster, we have to go back!" Bob said.

"Proceed back to base!" Cyclone said.

"But what about Maverick?" Rooster asked.

"I repeat, back to base," cyclone said.

They all carried on forwards apart from two planes.

"Louise go back to base!" Rooster shouted.

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