Chapter 21

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Meanwhile at base they had received Rooster's position.

"He's supersonic!" One of the base control said to Cyclone.

"But how?" Warlock asked.

"Sir there's an F-14 on track for our position," someone said.

"Maverick," cyclone said.

"But there's 2 seats in an F-14, who have they left behind?" Warlock asked.

Back at the plane they began to try and get rid of the enemy pilots.

"Relax, they don't know we aren't with them!" Maverick said.

Maverick signalled that their communications weren't working, this prompted the other pilot to do an unfamiliar signal.

"What does that mean?" Rooster asked.

"Never seen it before," maverick replied signalling thumbs down to the pilot.

"What about that one?" Rooster asked again.

"Uhhh no clue," Maverick said.

"Mav, their wingman is getting into attack position!" Louise informed.

"Shit!" Maverick replied. "We can't take on 2 of the latest models in an F-14."

"It's not the plane it's the pilot," Rooster said.

"I can't," he said.

"You'd try if we weren't here," rooster replied.

"But I promised both your dads that I'd keep you safe!" Maverick said.

"I think they'd be more annoyed if you let us get killed like a sitting duck rather than die trying!" Louise said.

Maverick paused before speaking.
"Louise I'm going to try and fly us out of this, you try and shoot them down!" Maverick replied.

"On it!" She replied. She looked around slightly confused as she had never been a backseat before. Once she'd figured out what was what she located the missile button.

Maverick began twisting around trying to get away, Louise managed to lock the target on the wingman.

With composure she managed to shoot him down!

3 confirmed enemy air kills.

"Nice Louise!" Rooster said.

"Hold on, I'm going through the mountains, hopefully the low terrain will confuse his locator!" Maverick explained.

Louise panicked a bit as she was kind of strapped in the seat but mostly not. Her and Rooster shared the base of the harness, whereas he only has the top.
She essentially just had an aeroplane seatbelt across her waist. If anything happened she was toast.

Maverick led the plane side to side, weaving through the mountains. He hadn't managed to lose the pilot but he has stopped him from locking a target on them.

Once he flew out of the mountains he managed to get behind a lock a target on them. With precision he shot the plane down.

"Yes!" Maverick cheered.

"Don't want to burst your bubble but another plane has just appeared!" Louise said. "Aaannd he's shooting at us!"

"Rooster! Flares!" Maverick shouted, Rooster did exactly as maverick said and released the flares.

"Those were our last ones!" Rooster said.

"Shit," Maverick said. "Hold on, I'm going to get some height and when I said so, Rooster, pull those handles to release us!"

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